the Carabinieri continue their prevention activity against scams targeting the elderly

the Carabinieri continue their prevention activity against scams targeting the elderly
the Carabinieri continue their prevention activity against scams targeting the elderly

Even in this period of the year, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Teramo continue their prevention activities against scams targeting the elderly. The initiatives implemented and already tested over time are expressed in meetings in churches, community centers, condominium meetings, constant presence in post offices especially on pension payment days.

The entire provincial territory is involved from the mountains to the sea.

This preventive strategy has already borne good fruit, in fact scams against the elderly in the Teramo province have been eliminated. Furthermore, increasingly often, the attempts made by scammers are promptly unmasked by the victims or their families who do not fall for it and turn to the police.

These activities aimed at the elderly have been accompanied by a sort of social awareness campaign aimed at the elderly’s relatives, neighbours, shopkeepers etc. in order to build a safety net for these segments of the population who are targeted by scammers.

A fundamental piece in this context is represented by the press which always keep the spotlight on this hateful crime so as not to let it pass into oblivion and with constant information they reach as many people as possible in order not to let them fall into the traps. plots against them which, in addition to affecting their economic profile, can cause much more serious damage from a moral point of view.

These activities promoted and stimulated by the Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri of Teramo Colonel Pasquale Saccone will continue without stopping throughout the summer period, furthermore in the most isolated municipalities the Commanders of the Carabinieri Stations will take care to reach the elderly in order to bring them the closeness of Weapon and at the same time warn them about the risks they may run.

This preventive strategy is objectively producing the desired results and therefore it is reiterated once again that no Police Force, agency, insurance company etc. asks for the payment of money to free a relative, or to pay an insurance or a debt etc. In cases of doubt it is always advisable before taking any initiative to contact 112, or to contact your relatives or an acquaintance or a neighbor and never give in to requests.

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