Latina, the Nicolosi neighborhood lands on the Rai Cultura home page

Latina, the Nicolosi neighborhood lands on the Rai Cultura home page
Latina, the Nicolosi neighborhood lands on the Rai Cultura home page

In the Rai Cultura report, some representatives of the entities involved talk about the neighbourhood, its history, its people and their daily work

Latina, July 1, 2024 – “When you talk about a job well done. Something for the city to be proud of, rising to national prominence not for facts of crime news, murders, beatings, mafia or gangmastering but for a positive example of team commitment. Latina has been witnessing the miracle of the Nicolosi District for a few years now, the associations that have rallied around the safeguard of legality and positivity represented by the Nicolosi Cultural Space have carried out, each in its own field and according to its own skills, a work made of daily commitment and constant that is changing the present and future of the neighborhood, an increasingly positive example for all of Latina”. This is what we read in a statement signed by Spazio Culturale Nicolosi.

“Angolo di Chirone is its after-school program, children from four continents who are supported for free in their integration process that starts from the School, a process of inclusion that increasingly involves families. Lestra and Teatro Ragazzi who passionately joined the social and cultural project by engaging in the field they know best, and of which they represent an excellence of the city, culture precisely, live entertainment, their contribution has been fundamental in giving Nicolosi a different aspect, that of a place ‘where beautiful things happen’. Already “the seeds of beauty” this is how Rai Cultura titled its reportage, precious shoots that remain alive and are also supported thanks to the concrete commitment of the Città Domani association that has always supported the project. All these “resources” have merged into a single large project, “Piccola Città”, and have formed an association Terzo Lotto IACP. Piccola Città participated in the public notice “Creative Living Lab V edition”, promoted by the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture and was admitted to funding under measure 2 “for the Promotion of projects in places to be regenerated”.

A total of 28 projects were financed throughout Italy, 16 for Action 1 and 12 for Action 2. The association is the only one financed in Lazio on both measures envisaged in the tender. Furthermore, the “Small City” project has obtained the official Mediapartnership of RAI CULTURA. Another way of “doing things” that continues and is only just beginning, on Sunday 7 July, in fact, as part of the @tNicolosi 2024 event, now in its third edition, the BabelNova Orchestra will arrive at the Nicolosi District, a new project, which follows the path of one of the most fascinating and pioneering stories of music in Italy of the last 20 years, capable of crossing opera, cinema, musical theater and classical music: the Piazza Vittorio Orchestra conceived and created in 2002 by Mario Tronco and Agostino Ferrente. Already none other than the Piazza Vittorio Orchestra. BabelNova Orchestra is a contemporary Babel that does not fear the chaos generated by the plurality of languages ​​but finds in Music the mother tongue that celebrates the multiplicity of sounds from the World. A formation of 12 musicians from all over the world who, following Mario Tronco’s decision to undertake his own independent artistic path and after the passing of Maestro Leandro Piccioni, chose to dedicate himself to a distinctive path of research into new musical languages. The appointment for the concert is at 9.00 pm in the beautiful Piazzetta of Via Filippo Corridoni in the heart of the Nicolosi district, in the heart of Latina, but from 8.00 pm the Piazzetta Nicolosi will be animated by local associations for a subscription-based “aperitif”. A convivial moment that will serve to support the commitment to the social and cultural redevelopment of the neighborhood. Nicolosi’s Silent, but not too quiet, Revolution continues.

Il Nicolosi neighborhood Of Latina It was built in the city centre in the 1930s to welcome, together with their families, those who would work on the reclamation of the Pontine plain.

Abandoned to decay over the years due to changed historical conditions, the Nicolosi it was then repopulated in recent decades with the arrival of new migrants, this time coming from quattro different continentswith all the easily imaginable problems of social hardship.

Numerous volunteer associations work in this neighborhood and are changing its present and future, giving life to many paths, aimed at adults and minors, made up of untilOf musicaOf theaterOf I listenOf gameOf teaching supportOf orientationmerged into a single large project, supported by the Ministry of CultureOf Urban Regeneration: “Small town”.

In the service ofRai Culture (media partner of the project), some representatives of the entities involved talk about the neighborhood, its history, its people and their daily work. it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this linkand select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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