The Selva Theater inaugurated in BoscoArteStenico

The Selva Theater inaugurated in BoscoArteStenico
The Selva Theater inaugurated in BoscoArteStenico

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It was yesterday the Selva Theater of BoscoArteStenico was inaugurated, a natural amphitheatre within the land art trail of Stenico.

The project was created by the Service for employment support and environmental enhancement (SOVA) of the Province in collaboration with the Municipality of Stenico and the BoscoArteStenico association.

The provincial councilor for work, Achille Spinelli, he praised the commitment of the Progettone workers and the institutional collaboration, which made it possible to create this space usable by the community.

“A fascinating place, nestled in the woods above Stenico which is part of the beautiful land art path of the town and whose creation was possible thanks to the commitment of the Progettone workers and a fruitful institutional collaboration. Once again these people, returning to the world of work thanks to our special measure which is Progettone, give back to the community a beautiful place that can be lived in by the entire community”.

Also Councillor for Cooperation Mario Tonina underlined the importance of volunteering and community cooperation for the success of the initiative.

“When a community believes in it, it becomes easier for the Province to support projects and initiatives that bring value to the territory from an environmental, cultural and landscape point of view. I therefore thank the creators and all the actors who believed in this project and who, working together, made the creation of this beautiful place possible. Be proud of it because it is also the result of the strength of the volunteers who live in your community and who are the bearers of the profound values ​​of our autonomy, values ​​that must be lived and passed on to the new generations because they have made our Trentino what we know today”.

The mayor of Stenico, Monica Mattevi, told the origins of the project, conceived in 2012 by Maurizio Corradi, Elisabetta Doniselli and Paolo Dalponte. Despite the difficulties, the vision was realized thanks to the support of the Province and institutional collaboration.

“He came to me together with Elisabetta Doniselli, former art teacher at the Prati High School in Trento and the artist Paolo Dalponte with a very precise idea of ​​what they wanted to create along a path above the town of Stenico, a clear vision of what the land art route would be. It was not an easy path, but we always believed in it and with us the Province, and step by step also thanks to the institutional collaboration created, we managed to give life to something unique. The hope is that this place can be experienced by the community and offer moments of sharing and sociality”

Maurizio Mezzanotte, director of SOVA, explained that the amphitheater was created by a Progettone team using traditional local techniques and materials. The project, commissioned by the Municipality of Stenico, saw the creation of stone walls, granite seats and an elliptical flooring for the entertainment area.

“The goal was to create a natural and naturalistic amphitheater in an area of ​​the forest that was already physically suited to it. What you see today is the result of the work of a team of 5 people from Progettone who worked for two seasons and who created an amphitheater of low stone walls, placed to surround a scene that overlooks the valley and which has eight large larch trunks as a portico. In accordance with the formative spirit of the Museum of Art in Nature, all the interventions were carried out using technologies and typologies that reflect local traditions as much as possible”

The work was completed thanks to the contribution of the Municipal Administration and the BoscoArteStenico Association, which provided materials and installed electrical and hydraulic systems.. The works, which began in August 2022, were completed in May 2024, with a total cost of 182,475 euros.

The design was entrusted to various professionals, including the surveyor Daniele Giongo, with the support of various cooperatives and executing firms. The inauguration celebrated the dedication and collaboration of all involved, culminating in a place that enriches the cultural and natural heritage of Trentino.



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