Employment Centers, 98 positions available with the scrolling of the rankings

Employment Centers, 98 positions available with the scrolling of the rankings
Employment Centers, 98 positions available with the scrolling of the rankings

Just under 100 permanent positions still available within the offices of the Sicilian Employment Centres. The regional department of the Public Service has published the two decrees with which the competition rankings are further scrolled for the profiles of CPI IAC Administrative Accounting Instructor (53 places, with the possibility of scrolling up to position 333) and CPI OML ( 45 places still available, with the possibility of scrolling up to position 540).
A procedure that will allow the hiring of a total of 311 permanent positions for the role of Labour Market Operator (Category C) and 176 for the position of Administrative Accounting Instructor.

«With this further flow – states the regional councilor for the Public Function, Andrea Messina – we hope to be able to fill all the positions put up for competition and provide the necessary staff strengthening. It is strange, however, that in the face of a strong demand for work coming from the island, there is such a high number of renunciations on the part of the winners. It is a phenomenon that gives food for thought and leads us to believe that employment in the Region, until now among the most coveted, has perhaps lost its attractiveness, outclassed by choices that are more attractive in terms of remuneration and career opportunities” .

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