The new mayor Piendibene working to build his team

The new mayor Piendibene working to build his team
The new mayor Piendibene working to build his team

“We are discussing political forces, we are still in the prodromal phase but there will be news soon”. This is how the new mayor Marco Piendibene responded on Wednesday evening to the direct question on the birth of the council that will accompany him during the mandate that the citizens have entrusted to him. Even if there is nothing official yet, something is starting to move. The most likely person to hold the position of councilor for public works appears to be the head of the list of the Democratic Party, Patrizio Scilipoti, who would also receive the delegation for sports facilities.

Public Education could go to the former headmaster of the Stendhal Institute, Stefania Tinti. In addition to the undoubted skills demonstrated over the years, the representative of the Lista Unione Civica per Piendibene sindaco would be in some way “rewarded” for having sacrificed the role of city councilor following Piendibene’s alliance with the Movimento Cinque Stelle. For the department of social services, there is talk of Valentina Di Gennaro, of Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, or Antonella Maucioni of the Demos list, for many years headmaster of the Liceo Leonardo da Vinci in Maccarese and Guarantor of the rights of children and adolescents of the Municipality of Fiumicino. Then there will be the choice of the councilor for Commerce, probably combined with the delegation for Development, which could be Enzo D’Antò, who has already held the role in the Five Star administration, in the event that he is not the one to hold the role of president of the city council, for which there are also the five-star Dario Menditto and the dem Marco Di Gennaro in the running. There is still uncertainty on other important departments, such as that of the Budget, which barring surprises should go to Florinda Tuoro former councilor with the Five Star Movement, that of the Environment, which should be assigned in the AVS quota, and that of Urban Planning. And also on the role of deputy mayor, as well as on who will take some important delegations, such as Sport and Culture, just to name a few. Piendibene still has time available. Within ten days of the inauguration, which took place last Wednesday, it will be necessary to convene the first city council which must be scheduled in the following ten days. On that occasion, there will be a vote for the president of the city council and the proclamation of the elected city councilors, including any replacements if Piendibene manages to close the game on the new Board before that date.

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