Romei case. Open letter to the academic community of the University of Foggia

Romei case. Open letter to the academic community of the University of Foggia
Romei case. Open letter to the academic community of the University of Foggia

Open letter to the academic community of the University of Foggia.

With this open letter, we wish to express our solidarity and support to Dr. Teresa Romei, Director General of the University of Foggia, currently the subject of accusations regarding the management of administrative staff and alleged discontent generated within the University. Dr. Romei has always demonstrated dedication and commitment to her role, working incessantly to improve the efficiency and administrative organization of the University. Her management was characterized by professionalism and transparency.

Despite these good intentions, the operational reality has seen a series of decisions that have led to a more centralized and less inclusive management.

The new governing team, although composed of valuable professionals, seems to have further complicated the decision-making and organizational processes of the University. In this context, it appears clear that Dr. Romei is not responsible for the current critical issues, but rather the victim of a work climate made difficult by the current governance dynamics. Her experience and expertise represent a fundamental resource for the University of Foggia, and she deserves our full support, respect and recognition for the work done so far.

His work, on the contrary, has always sought to foster a productive environment, his leadership has represented a safe and reliable guide for that part of the community that supports it, demonstrating a professionalism and dedication that cannot be questioned.. Every effort is being made to obscure the excellent work of the DG, as if to justify the hostile attitude towards him. All this is doing nothing but paralyzing many fundamental aspects of academic activities, some of these linked to the growth and valorisation of the technical-administrative staff and the entire technostructure. The situation is deteriorating, and it is necessary to remedy it.

Instead, it was decided to pillory Dr. Romei, as if she were the instigator of all the problems. So the question arises spontaneously, why is this thing emerging only now after almost ten years of management being in the hands of Dr. Romei?! Yet, the idea of ​​a happy island is only an abstract representation, not to be found in almost any reality, but beyond any political belief and ideas all this malaise towards it has never emerged in such a “blatant” way as in recent times, we have had several Rectors over the years, all of whom have collaborated and cooperated efficiently and effectively with Dr. Romei. One would think that all this is almost the result of a “conspiracy”, aimed at wanting to obscure the great professionalism and competence that have distinguished the leadership of Dr. Romei.

We talk a lot about well-being, but it seems to be just an abstract concept and far from the reality of the facts and the situation that we are experiencing in this particular historical moment. We are exhausted.

We hope to restore collaboration, and above all mutual respect, useful tools with which to create a peaceful and productive working environment, capable of enhancing everyone’s skills and commitment. With the hope that all this can restore a climate of loyal collaboration towards our DG. With this open letter we want to express all our solidarity with Dr. Teresa Romei.”

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