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Livorno municipal dormitories, Usb: “No more passive nights”

Livorno municipal dormitories, Usb: “No more passive nights”
Livorno municipal dormitories, Usb: “No more passive nights”

In the new tender for the night reception service in the Sefa municipal dormitories, passive nights will no longer be foreseen and, consequently, availability in the structure will be abolished. This was announced by the union union Usb, which claims a “first result achieved” in the face of a system that has always been fought against which provides for the lump sum payment of the 12 hours spent at night in the structure instead of the ordinary remuneration for the same. A practice in use which led to the opening of a trade union dispute, with the intervention of the Prefecture and the Municipality of Livorno, since “the management of the Il Simbolo cooperative of Pisa, which manages the SEFA dormitories under contract, has preferred to avoid the path of dialogue and mediation by confirming one’s own line”.

“In their opinion – explains Usb – it is legitimate to have a single operator work for 12 consecutive hours using the so-called availability in the structure which involves the lump sum payment of a few pennies. One is forced to remain inside the structure but the time spent is not considered as actual work, other than minimum wage. For this reason the workers have decided to sue the cooperative (and possibly the Municipality of Livorno as jointly and severally liable) for differences in wages. .

In the meantime, however, here is the first result obtained: “In the next tender for the night reception service, passive nights and availability in the structure will be explicitly banned – concludes Usb -. We hope that the person who wins the contract will be a company/cooperative capable of supporting a healthy union debate, avoiding unnecessary forcing. The objective always remains to finally internalize all the municipal services currently under contract”.

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