[Massa] Solidarity with workers on trial! • CARC Party

[Massa] Solidarity with workers on trial! • CARC Party
[Massa] Solidarity with workers on trial! • CARC Party

On July 2nd, at the Massa court, the trial will begin against 7 workers and comrades who took part in a protest promoted by the Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) union in front of the Fratelli d headquarters in July last year. ‘Italy.

The mobilization was called to protest against the Meloni Government’s decision to halve the compensation fund provided for the families of victims of accidents at work. The shameful measure was then hastily withdrawn following the numerous protests and mobilizations that developed throughout Italy.

The workers and their comrades (including a militant of our Party) are therefore brought to trial for “unannounced demonstration” under article 18 of the fascist Rocco code of 1936, while in our country the massacre of workers continues unabated: in the first four months of 2024 there have been 268 deaths at work!

Three deaths a day on average, massacres that follow one another in a chilling manner thanks to wild jungles of contracts, subcontracts and blackmail that allow the bosses to inflate their profits on the lives of the workers; a real massacre in broad daylight which neither the institutions nor the confederal unions, beyond crocodile tears and casual phrases, are taking serious measures to deal with.

At the same time, the arrogance and bullying of the bosses grows day by day: think of Franchi’s words (“workers who get injured are idiots”) or the Indian laborer who was dumped on the street by the gangmasters with an amputated arm and who lost his life a few days later.

The workers and comrades of USB did well to protest (with or without notice!) in front of the headquarters of Fratelli d’Italia which is the main party of a Government that is the enemy of the workers and the popular masses!

A government that, like all the other governments of the broad coalition, is not lifting a finger to stop the massacre of workers! The government of war, of the dismantling of public health and the high cost of living, of subservience to the bosses, to the USA and to NATO on the backs of the workers!

For this reason, on July 2nd from 9.00 we will be in court alongside the comrades on trial and we invite everyone to show their solidarity to the workers on trial!

Massa Section of the CARC Party

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