Taranto, No to the Floating Photovoltaic Park in the Mar Piccolo

Taranto, No to the Floating Photovoltaic Park in the Mar Piccolo
Taranto, No to the Floating Photovoltaic Park in the Mar Piccolo

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“Il Mar Piccolo cannot be touched. We had already said it in February 2024 and we now reiterate it in writing to the Ministry of the Environment which had started the EIA procedure as part of the single provision on environmental matters pursuant to art. 27 of the Consolidated Environmental Law.” This was declared by the municipal councilor for the Environment Stefania Fornaro who reconstructs the process carried out to date.

“Already during the document completeness checks -the councilor declared- the Environment Directorate had expressed its opinion in favor of linadmissibility of the application as in conflict with safeguard measures provided for by the relevant Regional Law, reserving the right to integrate this denial with further scientific evaluations, aimed at demonstrating the numerous negative environmental impactsthe generated by the realization of these works, on the biodiversity that characterizes the “Mar Piccolo” Regional Natural Park and the Natura 2000 sites involved, as well as on the delicate ecological balances that characterize the marine ecosystems of the Mar Piccolo.

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It would be a work that would go to deface a beautiful natural area that the Melucci Administration is trying to enhance through the establishment of the Mar Piccolo Park to protect a place that hosts ainfinite variety of species of fish, molluscs, aquatic and terrestrial birds.

Despite this, the Ministry intended to define the request as equally admissible and the environmental department expressed a negative opinion on the project on 25 June, transmitting scientific data from which it is clear that the possible realisation of the work will certainly have a negative effect on habitats identified and on the biodiversity that characterizes them.

A concept that is reiterated by the mayor of the Ionian capital, Rinaldo Melucci: “Being in favor of the energy transition of our territory towards renewable plants should not be understood as a sort of “free pass” to the construction of infrastructures capable of negatively impact an ecosystem already fragile or otherwise involved in other production choices. Our commitment as an Administration is to protect natural jewels like the Mar Piccolo, guardian of biodiversity and symbol of resilience. The territory in which we live cannot suffer further disfigurement and the ministry must take this into account. Because, otherwise, we reserve the right to present administrative appeals in defense of the Mar Piccolo and the local operators.”

“The presence of seagrasses such as Cymodocea and rhodolith associations makes this stretch of seabed unique -added the councilor for Sea Resources, Cosimo Ciraci- For this reason the ecological integrity of this marine area must be maintained, otherwise there is a risk of losing important and fundamental ecosystem services, which are maintained by extremely delicate balances. Moreover, this is an orientation that also emerged during the recent Round Table on Mussel Farming, where operators in the sector expressed their disappointment at any settlements capable of alter the beauty of the Mar Piccolo and for everything that contrasts with what is his normal destination.”

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