The International Folklore Festivals in Fvg are underway – Il Pais

The International Folklore Festivals in Fvg are underway – Il Pais
The International Folklore Festivals in Fvg are underway – Il Pais

From 11 July to 25 August around 700 artists from around twenty states are expected in the region

Five great reviews will enliven with the colours and rhythms of the world folklore the summer of Friuli Venezia Giulia, livening up the evenings of the period between July 11th and August 25th: Yes Folklorama al World Youth Folklore Festivalby the historian Aviano and Piancavallo International Folklore Festival to the equally rooted Tarcento Hearts Festivaluntil the World Folklore Festival Gorizia Castlea flow of music and dance will bring to our region 25 groups From one twenty countries, for a total of around 700 artiststhus proposing an exciting cultural journey around the world, to discover the sounds and movements of various popular traditions.

The very rich 2024 season of the International Folklore Festivals was officially presented today, Friday 28 June, in the Regional Palace in Udine: the organizers of the individual festivals, placed under the aegis of the UGF FVG and supported by the Region, illustrated the programs, after the introduction by the president of the Union of Folklore Groups of Friuli Venezia Giulia Claudio Degano. The meeting was attended by delegations of local folkloric groups and some representatives of the administrations of the municipalities involved.

The detailed program, with locations, dates and times, can be found on the website and on the UGFFVG Facebook page.

27° FOLKLORAMA. Marking the debut of the intense series of appointments will be, July 11ththe 27th edition of Folklorama, which is organized by the Pasian Folklore Group of Prato and which will bring artists from Poland, Venezuela and Benin to the region, together with the home group. The places touched by the series of itinerant shows, which will continue until the 16th, will be Martignacco, San Giorgio di Nogaro, Pradamano, Pasian di Prato, Campoformido and Colloredo di Montalbano.

24th WORLD YOUTH FOLKLORE FESTIVAL. This will be followed, from 26 to 28 July, by the 24th World Festival of Youth Folklore (a rarity in Italy), organized by AFGR, the Regional Youth Folklore Association: from Friday 26 July to Sunday 28 it will liven up the squares of Udine, Cormons and Pordenone. The guest groups, which will join the Friulian ones, will arrive in this edition from Serbia, Poland and Italy.

56th INTERNATIONAL FOLKORE FESTIVAL OF AVIANO AND PIANCAVALLO. Now in its 56th edition, the very traditional International Folklore Festival of Aviano and Piancavallo – promoted and curated by the Pro Loco of Aviano in collaboration with the Federicpo Angelica Danzerini group of Aviano – will open on Monday 5 August and continue until Ferragosto: it will take place between Aviano, Piancavallo, Barcis and Pordenone. The guest performers will come from Georgia, Mexico, Slovakia, Colombia; Italy will be represented by Minturno and Aviano.

54th HEARTS FESTIVAL®. Equally rooted is the Festival dei Cuori® of Tarcento, which this year will celebrate its 54th edition and which, as always, is curated by the Chino Ermacora Group. The festival will take place between August 17 and 22. Born in 1965 from an idea by Vittorio Gritti, the event is included in international calendars and is affiliated with the CIOFF® (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts), from which it obtained the recognition of “CIOFF® International Festival”. Since then, dozens and dozens of countries, with their different traditions and cultures, have colored the squares of our region and beyond, transmitting knowledge, sympathy and a spirit of solidarity, in compliance with the directives issued by UNESCO for the education of people in the culture of peace, solidarity, precisely, and tolerance. The groups will come from Chile (Easter Island), China, Kenya, Martinique, Peru, Serbia and of course from Italy.

52nd WORLD FOLKLORE FESTIVAL “GORIZIA CASTLE”. The 52nd edition of the World Folklore Festival “Castello di Gorizia”, organized by the Etnos Association, will open on August 22nd and continue until the 25th. The program is packed, with entertainment in the historic center on the first day and the opening night the next day (in Piazza Battisti, at 8:30 p.m.); the festival also includes – under the slogan “Let’s build bridges between men and peoples” – the 47th Congress of popular traditions and the 56th international folk parade through the streets of the center, on the closing day. The Festival is included in international calendars and has been recognized as “CIOFF® International Festival”. Groups from Austria, Martinique, Peru, South Africa, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Italy will be on stage.

PRESIDENT DEGANO’S COMMENT. «The Unione Gruppi Folcloristici del Friuli Venezia Giulia APS, an association recognized by the Region, enthusiastically presents – says President Claudio Degano – the five Folklore Festivals of regional interest in Friuli Venezia Giulia, which have chosen to network, to be stronger and more effective. Diversity and unity together: while each maintaining its own consolidated specificities, five historic events of our territory unite interests, visions and proposals to offer high-quality shows, which obtain ever greater participation and which at the same time enhance a strong point of Friuli Venezia Giulia, hospitality». The Region’s praise was expressed by Fvg councilor Diego Bernardis: «The regional administration – he declared – firmly believes in the promotion of popular traditions and will continue to support the five festivals with conviction. Networking them is a far-sighted and rewarding choice».

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