Cagliari, criminologist targeted by stalkers

She reported that she had been persecuted for years now by a large number of haters, some of whom were identified by the postal police, who on various social networks and on the web had insulted and denigrated her in every way, even going so far as to take it out on her daughter, again minor, and her husband. Not only. On the internet, at everyone’s mercy, data would also appear to locate her home and other material designed to destroy the public image and private life of criminologist Elisabetta Sionis, 58, who has now become an offended party in numerous criminal proceedings that are emerging in various courts around Italy. And under investigation, accused of defamation and persecutory acts, there would also be well-known television personalities, police managers and influencers and numerous people who would hide behind fake profiles and who, little by little, the prosecutor’s office and investigators would be identifying.

Stalking acts

One of the various trials for stalking opened on Friday before the Court judge, Gianluigi Dettori, against the fifty-year-old Lucio Carmelo Lipari, originally from Savona. The accused is defended by the lawyer Rita Cesarano. He is accused of having persecuted the Sardinian criminologist, in collaboration with people who are still unidentified because they were owners of fake Facebook profiles, by publishing content and videos on Facebook where the woman was mocked, ridiculed and with various references to sex. It all started – Sionis told the judge – when her name appeared as a criminologist in the context of a well-known news case: a young man who died in flames during what the prosecutor later believed to have been his attempt to kill the ex, who was left disfigured. A story that then inflamed public opinion, creating two opposing sides, when the boy’s family had the investigation into the fire reopened (then closed again). In this climate of conflict, a denigrating campaign against the 58-year-old began, resulting in several complaints.

The proceedings

The investigations into the various complaints presented then generated various proceedings against the Facebook profiles that were gradually identified. During Friday’s hearing, judge Dettori asked the public prosecutor to try to reunite the files scattered across half of Italy, some already at a preliminary hearing, so as to avoid the multiplication of trials or conflicts of res judicata. Elisabetta Sionis and her family, formed as civil parties with the lawyers Stefano Marcialis and Aldo Luchi, have reported that they are still victims of social persecution of various groups, almost always at the hands of fake profiles. Defamation, denigration and dissemination of false news online (including of a sexual nature) which would have taken away the serenity of the woman and her loved ones. After years of investigations, however, trials are now starting.

Francis Pinna

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