Minimum Wage Proposal Approved in Pozzuoli City Council

The minimum wage proposal put forward by the Italian Left of Pozzuoli and by the APS “The initiative” approved. The satisfaction of the proponents

The City Council of Pozzuoli, in the session of yesterday, June 27, unanimously approved the motion on the “minimum municipal wage”, accepting the proposal that last May 1 the Pozzuoli branch of Sinistra Italiana and the social promotion association “L’Iniziativa” filed with all city councilors and the local administration.

This vote commits the council to indicate in all tenders called by the Municipality the obligation to recognize a mandatory hourly wage of at least 9 euros gross per hour for workers hired by companies that have won contracts and concessions. Protecting the weakest and least guaranteed by contractual regulations, in application of art. 36 of the Constitution, which recognizes everyone’s right to fair and dignified remuneration. Strengthening the application of the most representative collective bargaining agreements and combating so-called “pirate contracts”, i.e. fake and unfavorable ones, signed by unrepresentative or non-existent unions.

The motion was brought to the City Council by councilors Marzia Del Vaglio and Angelo Lucignano and received the favorable opinion of the municipal administration, expressed in the chamber by the councilor for Territorial Government Giacomo Bandiera. The broad consensus demonstrates the validity, even technical, of our proposal as formulated, in line with what was decided by other municipalities in Italy, such as Florence, Bacoli and Naples.

Now the challenge for the “minimum wage” and the fight against “poor work” must continue: on the political level, aimed at a Government and a parliamentary majority that has refused its introduction; and on the social level, with greater responsibility on the part of trade unions and social partners to exclude low and inadequate economic treatments.

Press release

Stefano Ioffredo
Provincial Secretary of the Naples Federation of the Italian Left;
City Secretary of the Italian Left of Pozzuoli.

Dario Chiocca
President of the social promotion association “L’Initiativa”

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