The Frasassi Caves: A Heritage of Inestimable Value for the Marche

The Frasassi Caves: A Heritage of Inestimable Value for the Marche
The Frasassi Caves: A Heritage of Inestimable Value for the Marche

Mario Marchetti’s contribution and the economic impact on the territory

The Frasassi Caves, with their majestic beauty, are not only a natural treasure but also represent a vital economic engine for the Marche hinterland.

The discovery of the “Grotta del Fiume” 76 years ago by Mario Marchetti, founder of the Gruppo Speleologico Marchigiano of Ancona, marked the beginning of a new era for the Municipality of Genga and for the entire region¹.

Marchetti, considered one of the fathers of speleology in the Marche region, paved the way for the valorisation of a then almost unknown karst area, transforming it into an internationally important destination for geology scholars and enthusiasts¹.

Its discovery, although less celebrated than the subsequent “Grotta Grande del Vento”, was crucial for the economic recovery of the area¹.

Today, the Frasassi Caves are one of the most important centers of tourism in the Marche region, contributing significantly to the local economy.

The income generated by the caves fuels approximately 12% of the regional tourism GDP, demonstrating the importance of this heritage not only from a naturalistic but also an economic point of view¹.

The proposal to dedicate a road plaque to Mario Marchetti, in recognition of his fundamental contribution, is a gesture of gratitude that underlines the indissoluble link between the speleological discoveries and the economic well-being of Genga and the Marche¹.

Such a symbolic act would honor not only Marchetti but also all the Italian speleologists who have contributed to making the Frasassi Caves a world-famous attraction¹.

At a time when we are trying to further enhance the value of the Frasassi Caves, also through the candidacy as a UNESCO heritage site², it is important to remember the roots of this success and the commitment of those who have allowed the wonders hidden beneath the surface of the Marche to be revealed to the world¹.

¹: Source:
²: Source:

(1) Frasassi Caves: 75 years ago the discovery of the “River Cave” by …. di-ancona/06/30/.
(2) The FRASASSI CAVES are a UNESCO heritage site.
(3) Explorations in Frasassi: Conjunction of the River Cave – the Beautiful Cave ….

Original source:

Giancarlo Cappanera on Facebook

76 years ago, the discovery of the “River Cave” of Frasassi.
On 28 June 76 years ago, MARIO MARCHETTI founder of the Marchigiano Speleological Group of Ancona and father of Marche Speleology, began to donate to GENGA his most precious jewel, the “River Cave”, the lower part of the karst complex of the CAVES of FRASASSI.

He was a great scholar of the earth, the first person from the Marche who in the post-war period made known, not only in Italy but also abroad, the almost unknown karst area of ​​San Vittore di GENGA which became so well known in the scientific world that it was then visited by most important international geology scholars in the world.

Historically, this discovery has unjustly been overshadowed by the more famous one of 25 September 1971 when other speleologists from the same Gruppo Speleologico Marchigiano of the CAI of Ancona discovered the connected and more famous part above the same karst complex later named the “Grotta Grande del Vento”.

It is therefore good to remember that the event in which Mario Marchetti was the protagonist was the fundamental starting point for the economic redemption of the Municipality of Genga; in fact, if the Frasassi Caves have become one of the most important poles of tourism in the Marche region (they feed around 12% of the regional tourism GDP through related industries) and a source of pride for our national natural heritage, this is initially due to him. Marchetti should therefore be remembered not only by three generations of speleologists from the Marche region but also and above all by the many citizens of GENGA who today benefit from the abundant economic fruits resulting from the discoveries made.

It would be an act of gratitude at a negligible cost but with great moral value, a symbolic recognition also towards all the Italian speleologists who have contributed to making FRASASSI a world-wide attraction.

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