UdC Province of Benevento: The response to President De Luca

UdC Province of Benevento: The response to President De Luca
UdC Province of Benevento: The response to President De Luca

We can no longer tolerate the haughtiness with which President De Luca is treating our fellow citizens of Sannio by declaring that none of the 50 doctors recruited by the Region chose Benevento, as if Sannio were the land of plague victims and lepers. Furthermore, the declarations of institutional representatives who brand the sacrosanct protests of citizens who demand the protection of their health as sinister populism or political speculation appear truly unbearable!

Politics is something completely different! At this moment no one can afford to accuse anyone of incivility when what is uncivilized – declares the provincial commissioner of the UDC Antonio Verga – is only the lack of respect for the lives of fragile and defenseless people!

And when we talk about the supreme good, we are not referring to the Aristotelian one, but to the protection of the lives of particularly unfortunate people, whose greatest misfortune is to live in beautiful places, rich in history, where even today the minimum requirements for health care are lacking, with a lack of essential health devices, which do not even reach the minimum requirements of the Essential Levels of Assistance, the famous LEA, even though they are provided for by State Law!

Noting, then, that in a few days the citizens of Santagatesi must shed bitter tears for the second very young victim, aged just 45, who died only because he felt ill when, unfortunately, the emergency room had already barred the doors, carrying out the last fatal race to reach the body at the emergency room in Benevento, also due to the delay in finding an ambulance, is a tragedy that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The activists of Sant’Agata de’ Goti have done well to forcefully denounce this serious event. What is needed is an awakening of consciences and a real mobilization of all the Samnites, no one excluded.

A strong moral awakening is needed, today more than ever – Verga strongly urges – indispensable to shake consciences, just as the words of the Holy Father Pope Francis, increasingly invite us to do. Only with an active participation of citizens will we be able to influence the decisions of the institutions representing the community, thus avoiding the marginalization to which the people have been relegated or even worse as is happening in these hours, in which in addition to the damage, the mockery is also added with a taking for …. the piss of the citizens of Sannio, just to use a euphemism avoiding a fall in style, even if in truth, it would be worth it … and how!

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