Bari Weather, forecast for tomorrow Saturday 29 June

Bari Weather, forecast for tomorrow Saturday 29 June
Bari Weather, forecast for tomorrow Saturday 29 June

Saturday 29 June in Bari promises to be a day of good weather, with clear skies and no clouds. Temperatures will be quite high, with values ​​that will remain constant throughout the day.

During the morning, temperatures will remain around +27°C, with a light breeze coming from the North – North West. Humidity will be maintained around the 60% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1016hPa.

In the afternoon, temperatures will rise slightly, reaching +29°CThe wind will always blow from the North, with intensity that will remain around 15-20km/h. The humidity will remain stable at 58% and atmospheric pressure a 1015hPa.

Even at sunset, the weather conditions will be favorable, with temperatures around +27°C and a light breeze will blow from the North. Humidity will increase slightly to 61%while the atmospheric pressure will remain constant at 1015hPa.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Saturday 29 June in Bari indicates a day characterized by clear skies, high temperatures and moderate winds from the North. The weather conditions are confirmed to be stable also for the next few days, with a warm and dry climate that will accompany the city of Bari over the weekend.

All the weather data for Saturday 29 June in Bari

Full Weather Forecast for Bari

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