“They took away my right to be a father, it’s inhumane”

“They took away my right to be a father, it’s inhumane”
“They took away my right to be a father, it’s inhumane”

ANCONA “What was done to me is inhumane, since she was born I have not seen my daughter more times than I have been able to spend time with her.” The story is that of a 46-year-old father from Ancona, who ended up in a judicial labyrinth of appeals, counter-appeals and trials. There is only one goal: “To be able to be with my daughter and be a father.”

The litigation

The little girl is two and a half years old and was born from a (failed) relationship with her ex-partner, who lives in the province of Macerata. “At the end of December 2021 she left home, took the child with her and she never returned,” says the 46-year-old. From that moment on, hell. And a constant struggle to see the little girl. “For seven months I was practically unable to meet her, except under the strict control of my ex-in-laws.” To try to resolve the situation, they go to civil court. The appeal is filed by both the mother and father of the little girl, and the judge orders a consultation to evaluate the parental capacity of both. The report, filed at the beginning of 2023, is positive: the father can immediately re-establish the relationship with his daughter. First there are meetings in the presence of the mother, then without. The line of apparent serenity breaks in the summer of 2023. “I took my daughter away to Salesi three times, because she had injuries, including a burn on her eyelid and a hematoma on her temple. The mother never gave me exhaustive answers on the causes of the trauma.” The 46-year-old files a complaint against unknown persons, but the proceedings are shelved by the investigating judge of Macerata.

In the meantime, his ex-partner accuses him of stalking («I called to arrange meetings») and in February the precautionary measure is triggered: the 46-year-old cannot approach her or the little girl. This is the third proceeding against the man from Ancona, already on trial for child abduction («I was pushing the stroller with my ex next to me») and mistreatment («a defamatory accusation, made to discredit me»). The stalking case is transferred from the Macerata court to Ancona, which confirms the measure. The 46-year-old’s defense, represented by lawyers Daniele Provinciali and Riccardo Leonardi, appeals to the Review Court, but the measure is only dropped on May 2 before the single judge. The father sees his daughter on three occasions. Then, nothing. Why? “The civil court of Ancona – explain the lawyers – accepted on May 10 the requests presented by the ex-partner of our client, delegating to social services the organization of protected meetings between father and daughter”. “Protected” meetings, not free, for which the defense has filed a complaint.

In slow motion

Since May 10, the process has moved in slow motion and the 46-year-old has no longer been able to see his daughter. On July 5, there will be the first meeting between the 46-year-old and the social services of the Municipality of Macerata where the child lives. And after that? A question mark that mixes with the pain of a desperate father. “Unfortunately, I’m starting to forget what it means to be a father. I’m putting up with all this only for the love of my daughter. I feel like the victim of an injustice, what I’m going through is inhuman.”


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Adriatic Courier

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