Gravina di Catania weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 29 June

Saturday 29 June in Gravina di Catania stable and sunny weather conditions are expected for the entire day. The maximum temperature will reach i 32,1°C in the early afternoon, while the minimum temperature will settle at around 23,5°C during the early morning hours. Cloud cover will be equal to 0% for the whole day, with humidity that will oscillate between 32% and the 51%.

In the early hours of the day, give 00:00 to 05:00the sky will be clear with temperatures between 23,5°C hey 24,8°CThe wind will blow with variable intensity between 2,3km/h hey 4,9km/h coming mainly from a north-westerly direction.

During the morning, give 06:00 to 12:00the sky will remain clear and temperatures will gradually increase until they exceed 30°CThe wind will be light, with speeds between 0,7km/h hey 10,5km/horiginating mainly from East – South East.

In the afternoon, come on 1pm to 5pmthe weather conditions will remain stable with clear skies and temperatures that will remain around 31-32°CThe wind will increase slightly in intensity, with gusts up to 14,5km/h.

In the evening, from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PMthe sky will continue to be clear and temperatures will gradually drop until reaching 25°CThe wind will still be present, but with a lower speed than in the afternoon, oscillating between 2,3km/h hey 13.2km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Saturday 29 June in Gravina di Catania indicates a day characterized by good weather conditions, with clear skies and summer temperatures. It is advisable to pay attention to clothing and hydration, considering the expected high temperatures.

All the weather data for Saturday 29 June in Gravina di Catania

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