Sports facilities, Tidei: «I don’t accept criticism»

Sports facilities, Tidei: «I don’t accept criticism»
Sports facilities, Tidei: «I don’t accept criticism»

SANTA MARINELLA – The comments that are posted daily on social media often lead to controversies that, according to the mayor’s office, have no reason to exist. “It’s fine to criticize the issue of the ramp on Via Giuliani – says Roberto Boccoli – but half of the people of Santa Marinella have never looked at it in their lives, it’s fine to criticize the blue lines, analyzing a plan that could have been thought out better, it’s fine to criticize issues that concern urban decorum in general, where we can and must do better, it’s fine to criticize all those things that don’t work to the detriment of the many others that do work, but I don’t accept them on sports.

The contrast is fine, but up to a certain point. Where objectivity is lacking, one is no longer credible. Now I mean, apart from exchanging construction sites for others, demonstrating that you don’t even know what’s happening in the city, but picking on sport is like a true masochist. A football stadium unusable for years, destroyed for a motocross event and now completely redeveloped which has allowed many children to start sporting activity again, with many sector categories and the first team that promises a top championship. A sports hall finally made safe and which is being redone from top to toe after more than twenty years, a new municipal swimming pool, the Rugby Stadium, the modern and functional Carducci Gym, but really someone has the courage to criticize the sector sport? Everything is fine, continue to do politics in this way and maybe then also ask yourself, in your spare time, why 52% of the citizens of Santa Marinella chose to give their confidence to this mayor in the first round”.


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