Matera Murgia Park: working on the management plan – News

The Matera Murgia Park Authority has activated the procedures for the creation of a management plan that promotes the protection and valorisation of all the environmental, artistic and archaeological resources which cover an area of ​​eight square kilometers in the territories of Matera and Montescaglioso. The president of the Park, Giovanni Mianulli, made this known during a press conference organized to illustrate the activities carried out and those planned.

”The Park – Mianulli explained – is 80 percent privately owned and, in this regard, with the opportunities of the Plan that will establish management rules and the comparison and collaboration with private individuals, we intend to improve usability, protection and enhancement tools”. Mianulli indicated among the activities carried out so far that of entrusting the capture of wild boars to private individuals and the start of the transformation chain, the collaboration with the Bradano and Metaponto Land Reclamation Consortium for the maintenance of areas within the Park and the tracing of the trails with the Italian Alpine Club.

The organization is also working on tenders for the management of visitor centers and information points in Porta Pistola, in the Sassi, Murgia Timone, Pianelle and Parco dei Monaci districts. The Palazzotto del Casale in the Sassi districts will become a promotion point for all the parks in Basilicata. ”In perspective – concluded Mianulli – we are working on an expansion of the Park area to other municipalities in the Matera area, such as Grottole and Pomarico, which have submitted a request, but also to Apulian municipalities such as Ginosa and Laterza which have similarities with the our Park. Looking ahead, we would like this park to become national from a regional one”.

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