Weather, the truth about the heat. Sottocorona: “The averages don’t hold up”, what awaits us

Weather, the truth about the heat. Sottocorona: “The averages don’t hold up”, what awaits us
Weather, the truth about the heat. Sottocorona: “The averages don’t hold up”, what awaits us

During a connection with Coffee Break, La7’s morning show that deals with current affairs, meteorologist Paolo Sottocorona explains the climatic situation we will encounter in the coming days and during the summer. Will the temperature go above average? Will scorching heat await us? Sottocorona invites you to read the data with the right lens: “Averages are something you are always above or below. You are never on average, the least likely situation is that of being on seasonal average”. The certainty is that temperatures will rise very soon: “We are in a situation of high pressure and few clouds. High pressure heats the air, because the air that descends heats up and in this situation it is clear that temperatures are rising above average”.

Read also: MeteoGiuliacci, scorching turning point: “Up to 35 degrees”, the days to mark in red

The La7 meteorologist updates us regarding the weekend: “There isn’t much to say about the weather. On the major islands and on the Tyrrhenian side we will have around 34-35 or even 36 degrees and we will stop there. This is the normal oscillation of the summer period”. Paolo Sottocorona concludes by stating that giving too much attention to the seasonal climate averages is wrong because “it is obvious that when everything goes well the temperatures are above average while when it rains they drop below. We don’t cling to the averages, they don’t hold up anyway”.

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