Bradyseism, Power to the People asks for tents in Pozzuoli – Croca Flegrea

Bradyseism, Power to the People asks for tents in Pozzuoli – Croca Flegrea
Bradyseism, Power to the People asks for tents in Pozzuoli – Croca Flegrea

POZZUOLI – «The lack of a plan to manage the bradyseismic crisis and the continuous postponement of structural checks by the institutions have led to the situation we are in today. In fact, the checks began only after the 4.4 magnitude earthquake and led to the sudden eviction of over 1,300 people, who were offered unacceptable temporary accommodation in hotels miles away from the city and who will now receive paltry subsidies compared to the rents in the area, while waiting to return to their homes. Furthermore, the administration, a few days after the end of the swarm, decided to remove the civil protection tents, essential garrisons in the worsening phase of the bradyseismic crisis, with the sole purpose of protecting tourism and commerce, putting economic interests before those of the inhabitants of Pozzuoli.» This is what Potere al Popolo, which has called a protest for Friday 5 July in Piazza della Repubblica, has announced in a note “Because of this – it is read – as residents of Pozzuoli and Campi Flegrei we must take action and create a popular assembly on bradyseism and demand: dignified solutions for displaced people, including requisitioning structures in the area; a stop to mortgages, rents and utilities for uninhabitable buildings; the verification and safety of public and private buildings at the expense of the State. On July 5th at 6 pm, take part in the demonstration in Piazza della Repubblica, where we will set up our tents to demand the reinstatement of civil protection facilities.»

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