The night of San Paolo. Giovanni Gaggia’s installation for Pesaro 2024

Giovanni Gaggia, The night of San Paolo, video, filming and editing Natascia Giulivi, sound Pietro de Ruggeri, 2024, ph Michele Alberto Sereni

In the Pesaro spaces of Pelicula Studio Fotografico Gaggia presents a new work that explores and analyzes climate change

It was inaugurated on Friday 21st June The night of San Paolothe artist’s ceramic and video installation Giovanni Gaggia curated by Claudio Composti, which links the agricultural tradition to the majolica of Casteldurante. The event is organized by Pelicula Studio Fotografico as part of the project Pesaro 2024 – Italian capital of culture, Blue: the color of plenty, implemented by Casa Sponge. An exclusive preview for Artslife of the photo gallery with shots by Michele Alberto Sereni.

At dawn on January 25th in the Marche, and in particular in Urbania, an onion is still cut into 12 segments. Which are filled with a teaspoon of coarse salt and left outdoors on a south-facing window. Every year the reaction is interpreted and reveals the forecast of all twelve months. Starting from this tradition, Giovanni Gaggia wishes to explore and analyze the climate change underway through the production of a new dedicated artwork that will be previewed within the programming of PROBING ELSEWHEREthe project born in 2018 within Pelicula, the Pesaro photography studio of Michele Alberto Sereni who created it together with the curator Milena Becci and the artist Nevio Mengacci.

Giovanni Gaggia, The night of San Paolo, installation, ceramic, 2024, ph Michele Alberto Sereni

Reaching Elsewhere

Continue like this reception pathfor the duration of a single day. In which including, welcoming, understanding and regenerating a place from time to time is a focal point for giving hospitality to the Other and for reaching the Elsewhere. Direction has no limits or starting or arrival points, it is a force that probes, explores the unknown. Gaggia’s new work fits perfectly into this philosophy, not a destination but a departure which, through an operation with a strong aesthetic value, unravels a theme of great significance today.

As is his custom, he will ask for support from the Urbania community, which will be invited to take charge of the project by attempting to expand and transform it. The night of Sao Paulo has a strongly relational basis which will be developed with the association of friends of ceramics. And it makes use of the collaboration of the sound designer Pietro De Ruggeri and the video maker Natascia Giulivi.


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