12 places available for three projects of the Municipality of Cremona

12 places available for three projects of the Municipality of Cremona
12 places available for three projects of the Municipality of Cremona

Voluntary Civic Lever: 12 places available for three projects of the Municipality of Cremona

Applications must be submitted by August 19, 2024

The notice for the selection of 12 young people who intend to participate in the initiative Leva Civica Lombarda Volontaria (Young generations at the service of the Lombard community) has been published on the website of the Municipality of Cremona. There are three projects lasting one year (from 15 October 2024 to 14 October 2025).

The first, called Building relationships in a community logic through the Lombardy Volunteer Civic Leverage, is for five places, one each at the Volunteer Service Center – Territorial Headquarters of Mantua, at the Volunteer Service Center – Territorial Headquarters of Cremona, at the Provincial Forum of the Third Sector of Cremona, of Cremonese, of Cremasco and of Casalasco ETS, at the Europe Office and at the Local Equality Center of the Municipality of Cremona.

There are six places available for the second project, Generations Together for our Solidarity Community – GINCOS, of which two at the Cremona Committee of the Italian Red Cross, one at the CCSVI Lombardia Cremona Association, one at Agropolis Società Cooperativa Sociale ETS, and two ink Social Cooperative Society.

For the third project, Common Challenges Innovative Solutions: Building Communities through Social Balance Sheet, the available position is one at the Participatory Social Balance Sheet office of the Municipality of Cremona.

The selection for the Leva Civica Lombarda Volontaria projects is open to young people who, at the time of submitting their application, are between 18 and 28 years of age (29 years not yet completed), are Italian citizens or EU citizens or non-EU citizens with a regular residence permit, resident in Lombardy, and who have not already participated, for a total period of 12 months, in other Leva Civica Volontaria Lombarda projects.

It is understood that, in the event that the young person, on the date of submission of the application, has already completed a period of civic service, participation in the selection is in any case precluded in the event that the total number of months already completed and those which constitute the minimum duration period of the new path (8 months) exceeds 12 months.

In the 12 months preceding the submission of the application to join the Civic Leverage process, the volunteers must not have had any employment relationship, whether self-employed or in any other form required by law with the owner of the project, the partner organisation. and the host institution.

The selected young people will be entitled to an allowance of € 582.50 per month, to the final CUD, to the certification of the skills acquired during the period of activity, with reference to the QRSP (Regional Framework of Professional Standards) of the Lombardy Region, to insurance coverage paid by the Municipality of Cremona.

The application for participation must be received no later than 19 August 2024 by post (registered or ordinary mail), or delivered personally to the Protocol Office (entrance from Piazza Stradivari, 7), from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 1pm, or via Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) owned by the interested party, taking care to attach all the required documentation in PDF format to the address [email protected]. For applications sent by post, the protocol stamp of the relevant body will be considered valid and not that of the sending post office. Failure to comply with the deadline for submitting applications will result in exclusion from the notice.

The complete text of the notice, the specimen of the application for participation and the information for personal data can be downloaded from the website of the Municipality of Cremona, in the “Highlights” section (https://www.comune.cremona.it /node/518908).

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