Political marriage. The civics of Amo Pistoia join Forza Italia

Political marriage. The civics of Amo Pistoia join Forza Italia
Political marriage. The civics of Amo Pistoia join Forza Italia


From the situation of Viale Adua, to urban decay, to the realization of new projects. These are the priorities of the new group in the city council that will be made official during today’s session. It will probably be called Forza Italia Amo Pistoia Civica and will be the consolidation of the decision of the civic list Amo Pistoia to merge into what was the Forza Italia Centrist group. No internal earthquake, but a shared embrace that will however lead to the loss of the function of Amo Pistoia group leader in the council for Paola Calzolari: everything will be in the hands of the Forza Italia group leader, Iacopo Bojola. “The priorities that are close to our hearts are Viale Adua and urban decay, we must try to intervene as soon as possible – explained Bojola –, and then the conclusion of the large construction sites. Pistoia is experiencing a particularly euphoric period, but also of great inconvenience for the community. Many construction sites are open, the conditions must be created to complete them quickly. Viale Adua is one of the critical issues to be addressed – continued the group leader -, we have not yet intervened except with the cycle path, which has been started, and with some recovery work on urban parks. Like that of San Biagio financed for 600 thousand euros. Then the projects financed with the Pnrr, which provides very specific deadlines for the use of resources, it is therefore necessary to complete these works”.

The new Forza Italia Amo Pistoia Civica group will be composed of nine councilors and will have three assessors: Anna Maria Celesti (deputy mayor, health, social, volunteering and third sector, housing issues and public residential construction, equal opportunities, animals), Alessandra Frosini: (school construction, cemeteries, sports facilities and public works) and Alessandro Sabella (hills and mountains, participation, Jacobean traditions, demographic services, statistics, tourism, sports and facilities, IT, twinning). “Amo Pistoia will retain its identity: it remains the symbol, because it is important for us that our voters know that within Forza Italia there will be a civic movement – ​​declared Paola Calzolari, former group leader of Amo Pistoia –. We decided to join the group to strengthen ourselves and because we share its path. Ours will always be a civic list, but one that relies on a moderate party whose democratic ideas and objectives we share. In these years we have always had a shared path, shared since 2017. Joining was natural”.

Gabriele Acerboni

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