Trento weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 28 June

The weather forecast for Friday 28 June in Trento show an alternation of atmospheric conditions throughout the day. The morning will start with scattered clouds, but over the course of the hours the cloud cover will decrease, leaving room for a few clouds and clearer skies. Temperatures will rise, with values ​​reaching i 33.4°C in the early afternoon.

During the afternoon, however, precipitation in the form of light rain is expected, with intensity that will increase over the hours. Precipitation could persist into the evening, with a decrease in cloud cover and a drop in temperatures.

In detail, the day will start with cloud cover around 70% at 07:00with temperatures that will remain around 24.7°C. As the morning progresses, cloud cover will decrease, leading to a percentage around 25% at 10:00with temperatures rising to 30.9°C.

In the early afternoon, around 1:00 pmclouds will still be present but to a lesser extent, with coverage around the11% and temperatures that will reach i 32.8°C. However, as of 2pm Precipitation in the form of light rain is expected, with a percentage around 12% and a temperature of 32.1°C.

Precipitation will intensify during the afternoon, with light rain at 3pm And 4:00 pmand moderate rain at 5pmwith a percentage around 51% and a temperature of 27.8°C. Precipitation could continue into the evening, with cloud cover increasing again.

In the evening, around 8:00 pmlight rain is expected with cloud cover around 97% and temperatures that will remain around 23.2°C. Precipitation could persist until 11pmwhen cloud cover will be around ninety two% and temperatures will remain around 21.5°C.

In conclusion, Friday 28 June in Trento is expected to be a day with alternating weather conditions, with an increase in temperatures during the morning and precipitation in the afternoon and evening. It is advisable to pay attention to the weather forecast and prepare adequately to face the expected climatic variations.

All weather data for Friday 28 June in Trento

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