A Journey through Solitude and Disillusionment. Review of Alessandria today

A Journey through Solitude and Disillusionment. Review of Alessandria today
A Journey through Solitude and Disillusionment. Review of Alessandria today

Maura Mantellino, with her poem "My Destiny", offers us a profound and touching reflection on the nature of human destiny. Set symbolically in Turin, this poem explores themes of loneliness, disillusionment and the struggle against the adversities imposed by life.

Verse Analysis

The poem opens with a powerful, fragmentary image: “My destiny is made up of little splinters, the fragments of which will not stop me.” These opening lines evoke a sense of resilience and determination, despite a destiny that seems broken and strewn with obstacles. The “lonely and misunderstood destiny” underlines an existential condition of isolation and lack of understanding on the part of the surrounding world.

“Fate threw its dice and played its games: all hope vanished.” Here, Mantellino uses the metaphor of dice to represent the unpredictability of life and the role of chance in determining our path. The fading of hope suggests a moment of profound disillusionment, in which expectations and dreams are dashed.

The Masking of the Truth

In the second part of the poem, the author explores the theme of falsehood and deception: “You hide behind false words, pitiful lies, arrogant uncertainties, unlikely chains.” These verses describe an interlocutor who masks the truth with lies and uncertainties, creating a prison of deception that imprisons and manipulates. The use of adjectives such as “pitiful” and “arrogant” adds an emotional dimension of compassion and anger.

The Majesty of Deception

The poem ends with a denunciation against this “seller of lies”: “With your majestic gait you have become a seller of lies and master of other people’s lives.” Mantellino highlights how deception can be perpetrated with a façade of majesty, making the deceiver a master who controls and dominates the lives of others. This powerful ending leaves the reader with a feeling of rebellion and a call to awareness and truth.


“My destiny” by Maura Mantellino is a poem that explores the depths of loneliness and disillusionment, offering an intense reflection on the role of destiny and deception in human life. With evocative language and powerful images, Mantellino invites us to confront our experiences of pain and find the strength to resist and seek the truth. It is a work that resonates with anyone who has ever struggled with life’s adversities and the lies that can undermine our confidence and hope.

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