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Sardinia Region 2024 budget adjustment approved

Sardinia Region 2024 budget adjustment approved
Sardinia Region 2024 budget adjustment approved

OLBIA. The budget changes that drain resources from key sectors of the island such as healthcare, public works, cultural heritage, forestry, and transportation amount to 250 million euros for the three-year period (190 million for 2024 alone). On the proposal of the regional councilor for the budget, Giuseppe Meloni, the council approved the adjustment to the 2024 budget and the changes, made necessary by the communication, by the State, of greater revenues due to the Sardinia Region, not included in the budget forecast.

The council has approved in recent days a technical resolution only from a formal point of view because it contains the first tangible signal of the political path that the regional administration intends to undertake for the future. The 250 million euros, available in the regional coffers thanks to greater transfers from the State, translate into investments in key sectors. “I have invited my fellow councilors, whom I thank together with President Todde for the important contribution provided for the drafting of the variations, to constantly monitor spending and thus avoid possible errors, verifying that the allocations included in the budget forecast as in the variations actually have the possibility of being spent during the year. We must avoid accumulating surpluses and creating suffering for some expenditure items that instead deserve particular attention”.

The free budget share, equal to 530 million euros, which emerged during the reporting phase, cannot be spent until September. “Due to the change of administration there have been delays in approval – continues Councilor Meloni -. We must therefore wait for the equalization of the Court of Auditors which cannot take place in June, but in September. While waiting to exploit those resources, we have established the distribution of the allocations deriving from the increased revenues”.

Below is the detailed content of the budget changes approved by the council on the proposal of councilor Giuseppe Meloni.

Healthcare 40 million euros for the three-year period, of which 28 in the first year, earmarked for Healthcare and social policies. Of these 12 million are needed to cover the 2022 balance of passive mobility, i.e. all healthcare services that Sardinian patients have used in the regions of the rest of the peninsula. 5.440 million euros are earmarked to purchase healthcare services for hospital and outpatient care from accredited private individuals with the aim of reducing waiting lists. 1.4 million euros are the resources needed to pay for the services provided by healthcare personnel during the Covid emergency; 3.2 million are the funds allocated as contributions to people suffering from fibromyalgia; 1.5 million euros will instead go to meet the entire need represented by local authorities for free nurseries.

Public Works There are 23 million of Euro for investments in public works mainly intended for local authorities through the scrolling of current rankings for local roads (more than 10 million), the removal of architectural barriers (630 thousand), urban centers (more than 5 million). Also worth highlighting are 5.5 million Enas, to support the water emergency to allow the transfer of water between reservoirs and 500 thousand euros for the assignment of the Maccheronis Liscia project.

Environment. 2 million in 2025 and the same in 2026. Resources are intended to enhance the forest heritage: a measure with important environmental protection and forest fire prevention purposes, but also employment-related ones because it is intended to increase the number of workers.

Civil protection. 4.5 million of Euro intended for the purchase of civil protection vehicles, in particular trucks of different types and with special equipment to respond to civil protection emergencies. In particular, attention will be paid to strengthening the water supply system in a period in which the drought emergency is increasingly marked. With this type of vehicle, based on the equipment, it is possible to provide water transport services for assistance to the population and agricultural and pastoral activities, or support in the fight against forest fires.

Tourism and Public Education. The 8.6 million allocated to Tourism include 3.1 million euros to guarantee the participation of the Sardinia Region in the fairs, 1.7 million euros to finance major cultural and entertainment events based on the ranking. The same amount of 8.6 million euros is earmarked for the Public Education and Cultural Heritage sector with the increase of the contribution in favour of Ersu (University Education Right Institution) of approximately 3.8 million of Euro for the “open houses” operation, to allow students’ homes to be made available throughout the year, including the summer months. For the cultural heritage sector, the resources are intended to ensure the complete scrolling of the ranking for the granting of contributions for literary festivals.

Transportation. I am 42 million euros intended for the Sardinian transport system.

Work. I 12.5 million euros they are intended for employment sites for professionally qualified unemployed men and women to be activated at the Regional Health Service Companies, for socio-health integration projects and for projects to support assistance and care services within hospital facilities.

Industry. Il Consortium Industrial Provincial of Nuoro is the recipient of 4 million euros to secure and provide infrastructure for the agglomeration’s water supply complex industrial Of Ottana, Bologna it’s Noragugume.

Staff. About 57 million in the three-year period are allocated to collective bargaining of the employees and managers of the regional system. Of which 12,187 per year in order to guarantee the recovery of a part of the increase in inflation for all employees of the regional system, 4.4 million per year allocated to the Forestas Agency for the professional progression of the staff and the equalization of the forestry allowance of the workers to that received by the administrative staff.

Agriculture. 3 million euros are earmarked to the scrolling of rankings of contributions in favor of the agricultural sector.

Other interventions include contributions to the municipalities of Lula, Bitti and Onanì for the drafting of municipal urban planning tools within the Einstein Telescope program.

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