The national conference of young accountants in Piacenza in October

The event, which will take place in the evocative setting of the city of Piacenza, precisely on 3 and 4 October, represents an important opportunity for in-depth analysis and discussion on Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) operations, a topic of great relevance and relevance in the economic and financial world. The conference receives the support of Confesercenti, which recognizes the importance of this event not only for professionals in the sector, but also for the Piacenza area. Confesercenti, which has always been committed to local economic development, sees the conference as a unique opportunity to attract professionals from all over Italy, generating significant revenue for the city. M&A operations are a central topic for the business world, as they represent fundamental tools for corporate growth, restructuring and value creation. During the conference, industry experts will analyze the latest trends, best practices and future challenges related to these operations. Case studies and success stories will also be presented, offering participants a broad overview of the topic. In addition to the important educational and professional contribution, the conference represents a great opportunity for the city of Piacenza.

The influx of participants from all over Italy will contribute to enhancing local resources, with a positive impact on the hotel, restaurant and service sectors. This event is part of a broader project to promote the territory, which sees culture and professional training as tools for growth and sustainable development.
“This conference represents a unique opportunity for young accountants to discuss highly relevant topics such as M&A operations, while contributing to the economic development of our territory. We are proud to host an event of this magnitude and we thank Confesercenti for its support”, declared the president of the Young Accountants Union of Piacenza, Fabio Maggi.
Also part of it are Eleonora Dosi (vice president), Danila Gambazza (secretary), Margherita Ferrante (treasurer), Mattia Magnani (external communication manager) and for the organizing committee the vice president, Cristina Betta and the secretary Andrea Fossati. “Supporting this conference is a way for us to contribute to local economic growth. The arrival of professionals from all over Italy will have a positive impact on Piacenza, strengthening our economic fabric and promoting our local excellence”, added the director of Confesercenti Piacenza.

Published June 26, 2024

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