Nanni Campus: «I dedicated ten years to my Sassari»

Nanni Campus: «I dedicated ten years to my Sassari»
Nanni Campus: «I dedicated ten years to my Sassari»
Nanni Campus in the city council

Sassari. “At the end of a long life experience it is natural for the mind to flow backwards and bring back the past.” Nanni Campus, mayor of Sassari from 2000 to 2005 and from 2019 to 2019, but also senator from 1994 to 2000 and then regional councilor from 2009 to 2014, thanks everyone, collaborators and citizens, who have placed their trust in him in recent years. He does so in a long post published in recent days on his Facebook profile. Reflections confirmed and strengthened in an interview given to SARdies.

Ico Ribichesu

The intervention on Facebook

I feel I still have to thank the many collaborators who allowed me to create a school of reconstructive surgery in Sassari with a burns department and centre. They have accompanied me on fantastic surgical missions halfway around the world, but, above all, together we have provided assistance to thousands of patients, children, adults and elderly, who have always entrusted themselves to us with great trust.

And then politics. I thank all the members and voters who allowed me to live an exciting experience in the Senate, twice, with the pride of having been able to prevent the dissolution of our glorious Sassari Brigade and to sign the only legislative measure that Sardinia has never known tax reductions (with the reduction of excise duties on heating fuel). I also thank you for the trust placed in me for my uninspiring experience in the Regional Council (like television advertising, I could say: wrong company!).

Finally, I thank my fellow citizens who have twice chosen me as their mayor. Ten difficult and demanding years (divided over time) which however have brought to the City actions and works that many deny or forget but which are tangible, as will be those currently under construction. And I thank the councilors and city councilors who, with their constant trust, have allowed the mayor and the council to be able to concentrate totally on the things to do. Lastly, I don’t forget a fleeting thought to those who have dedicated so much attention to me in recent years, to vent their frustrations and envy. Insults, offences, falsehoods, which certainly have not taken anything away from me either as a man, or as a professional or as a politician, but I wish them all to be capable of doing something more useful in life than hating. I’ve already been long enough for a message, so I’ll refer you to other interventions to satisfy my ego, promptly listing what we’ve done for Sassari, so as not to disappoint those who, despite never having done anything more or better, will still be able to indulge themselves at least with fingers and a keyboard.

Good life to those who have the patience to read this greeting.

Nanni Campus

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