Change at the top of the Umbria regional command of the Guardia di Finanza

General Francesco Mazzotta takes over from General Alberto Reda

Yesterday afternoon, the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Guardia di Finanza was celebrated in Umbria.

The event was preceded by the ritual laying of a laurel wreath by the Umbria Regional Commander – Gen. B. Alberto Reda, at the “Cefalonia-Corfù” Barracks, headquarters of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Perugia, in commemoration of the Financiers of the Mobilized Battalion attached to the Acqui Division, who in the days of uncertainty following the armistice of 8 September 1943, chose to defend the islands of Cefalonia and Corfu from German troops to the bitter end.

The value demonstrated earned the Flag Corps the Gold Medal for Military Valor.

Subsequently, the celebrations took place in the splendid Piazza IV Novembre of Perugia, in the presence of the Interregional Commander of Central Italy of the Guardia di Finanza – Gen. CA Ignazio Gibilaro – and of the highest religious, civil and military authorities of Umbria, demonstrating of the proximity of the yellow flames to the entire regional territory, reaffirming the identity of an institution always faithful to its history, but, at the same time, striving to innovate to respond with passion, dedication and competence to the new challenges resulting from modernity.
During the ceremony, the messages of the President of the Republic and the Special Agenda of the Commander General of the Guardia di Finanza were read out.
The meeting then continued with the delivery of moral rewards to the soldiers who particularly distinguished themselves in carrying out the Institute’s duties.

Subsequently, the Umbria Regional Commander took place, with the handover between General Alberto Reda (transferor) and General Francesco Mazzotta (incoming).
The ceremony was an opportunity for General Reda, after approximately three years of Command in Umbria, to extend a heartfelt greeting to the magnificent city of Perugia and the extraordinary Region of Umbria, expressing the most heartfelt and affectionate wishes for good work to his colleague and friend, General Francesco Mazzotta, wishing him to receive more satisfaction from the Command than he has had, as well as underlining that he has always worked with his gaze turned forward, to achieve the objectives of equity and social justice, which are the foundation of the mission of the Financial Police Corps.

The ceremony was enhanced by the Children’s and Youth Choir of the Perugia Conservatory of Music – F. Morlacchi, directed by Maestro Marta Alunni Pini, who performed the Italian National Anthem; followed by a parade of period uniforms, to underline the Corps’ centuries-old tradition; In 2023 and in the first five months of 2024, the Guardia di Finanza of Umbria carried out over 10,000 administrative checks and approximately 2,800 investigations at the request of the ordinary and accounting judiciary, to combat economic and financial crime and the infiltration of crime into the economy: an “all-round” commitment to protect families and businesses, destined to intensify further to ensure the correct allocation of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

A useful opportunity also to take stock of the Fiamme Gialle’s all-round commitment against crime and to protect citizens and businesses.
The inspection activities made it possible to identify 231 total tax evaders, i.e. those carrying out business or self-employment activities completely unknown to the tax authorities and 356 illegal or irregular workers.
Furthermore, approximately 430 judicial police investigations were carried out, which led to the reporting of 278 individuals for tax crimes (mainly relating to the issuing of invoices for non-existent transactions and omitted or fraudulent declarations).
The value of the assets seized/proposed for seizure as profit from tax evasion and tax fraud is approximately 180 million euros.

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