Pescara, the father of the superwitness. “I do not absolve myself as a father”. The killer’s brother: “You pay”

Pescara, the father of the superwitness. “I do not absolve myself as a father”. The killer’s brother: “You pay”
Pescara, the father of the superwitness. “I do not absolve myself as a father”. The killer’s brother: “You pay”

In the space of a few hours the lives of several families, intertwined together by a dramatic event, changed: the murder of a 16 year old by some of his peers. After the crime in Pescara there is only pain and dismay in the city which is not only felt by ordinary citizens, but above all by the families of the children involved in such a brutal and cruel act. The parents of the murdered young man cannot find peace over what happened, while the relatives of the minors suspected of killing the 16-year-old Thomas Christopher Luciani they live the moment with a poignant sense of guilt. The one who had the strength to expose himself publicly was the father of one of the boys who decided to collaborate with the police by telling what happened the night of the murder.

The pain of the policeman parent

As colonel of the carabinieri and the responsible parent convinced the son to make himself available to the investigators to clarify some aspects of the story. Reached by Corriere della Sera He didn’t hide his disappointment. “I don’t absolve myself as a father – he said – my son will have to remember the boy he saw die”. Harsh words, condemning a boy whose life has changed forever. The fact that he helped the investigators in the reconstruction of what happened will certainly guarantee him advantages, but his position, like that of the others minors, is being examined by the judges. The father, however, continues to question his actions. “I asked him where he was going and what he was doing. – has continued – he told me ‘I’m going out with your colleague’s son’. What was I supposed to do?”.

The outburst

The military he still can’t believe that his son could be involved in the murder of his peer, but he doesn’t look for an alibi. “I would like him to live a better life from now on – he underlined – now he will be forced to be handed over, as we say. I want him to keep in mind what happened over time, to keep alive the memory of the boy he saw die and to live up to it.”. Then he revealed to the reporter the Courier that for him the role of information is very important. “I can only hope that whoever does that work, who informs – he added almost like one prayerknow how to find the delicacy needed to bear witness to such a sad story”.

We apologize to the victim’s family

He is 18 years old, however Brother of another of the 16 year olds under investigation. To the Tg1exclusively, gave a heartfelt interview. “I cried for that boy – commented – I and my family are sorry for him first of all, because he is no longer here. Since Sunday I’ve been living hell. My brother is accused of this massacre and if he made a mistake he will have to pay”. He too, like the colonel of the carabinieri, talks about justice and respect for the person by addressing the victim’s relatives. “We want to apologize to the family – he has declared – we will stay close to him. Now I have to deal with the ferocity and indifference that the investigations speak of. We don’t ask for discounts, we believe in justice.” Finally, a thought for his brother.

“I will always love him – he concluded – but you pay rightly for what he did. If he is proven to be responsible, he needs to spend those years in institutions where he can be helped.”.

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