Journey through the first 100 years of Citroen’s history in Italy | FP – News

From 1924 to 2024. A full century. One hundred years of history, a story that has two very specific protagonists: Citroen and Italy. A combination that the French car manufacturer wanted to celebrate in Milan, at “Dazi Arco della Pace”: from 19 to 25 June a special exhibition dedicated precisely to the 100 years of Citroen in Italy, from when the company took its first steps in our territory to its exponential growth which led it to be what it really is today.

Citroen today in Italy

And what is Citroen really today in Italy? It is undoubtedly one of the car brands that best represents itself from many points of view: volumes, with a 25% growth in the first five months of 2024, but also a market share of 4.5%, in the same period last year it was 3.8% (if we look at the private channel alone it went from 2.2% in the January-May period 2023 to 4.2% of 2024). An important hand in this sense came from C3, which doubled volumes to enter the Top 3 of the total market. Without forgetting the BEV segment, in particular with the Ami minicar which never stops doing good and bad weather with a 45% market share.

Exponential growth

Returning to the C3 for a moment, the new car has already made its mark 3,500 contracts: of these, 56% concern the full electric version and 44% the thermal version, in terms of setups we are instead at the perfect balance between YOU and MAX. Thanks to a very convincing commercial offer, which sees the petrol version available at 49 euros per month (down payment of 3,000 euros and with scrapping of Euros 0, 1 and 2) and the full electric version starting from 23,900 euros. To introduce the new model to the Italian public, the French car manufacturer organized a roadshow which involved 3,500 participants and approximately 80 dealers.

Towards a completely renewed range

But Citroen does not intend to stop and sets two new growth steps: 80% renewed range by the end of this year and to 100% by 2025with an offer that will range from hybrid to petrol, obviously passing through pure electric. “There has always been a very strong bond between our brand and Italy, Italians have always loved our brand and continue to do so, and it is an honor to celebrate 100 years of Citroen in Italy – Laurent Diot, Sales & Marketing Director Citroen Europe, told the press conference – The new C3 must not forget its origins, since it has a reputation to defend: 1 million units sold in Italy. Accessibility means simplicity of range. Italy is playing an important role in our ambitious growth strategy.”

Special exhibition for 100 years

Diot also spoke about origins, those origins that are told in detail in the special exhibition that was set up in Milan, and which, with data in hand, recorded over 2,000 visits (data up to the day before the closing, therefore Monday 24 June). The history of Citroen, in Italy as well as in the world, is based on the figure of André Citroenits founder: in what the French company itself defined as the “bonus room” not only the person himself but also all his revolutionary intuitions in the technological, social and communicative fields were told and illustrated.

Historical photos Citroen Italia

From the beginning to the 70s

In the first room, however, there is space for the early days of Citroen: we range from the first cars, such as the Type 5 and the Traction Avant, at the Portello headquarters, a place that the French car manufacturer itself defines as “mythical” in the history of Italian motoring. Between stories and anecdotes we move on to the next room, a large crescent-shaped room illuminated by a skylight: here are hosted some of the most evocative and emblematic advertising posters created by the brand throughout its history. I then jump in time to move on to the 60s and 70s, in which Citroen made itself known for its twin-cylinder cars and the CX: visitors to the exhibition were able to interact with the panels and a screen hosting a series of films from the time.

The history of 100 years of Citroen in Italy

From motorsport to the present day

Obviously, an exhibition space dedicated to motorsport could not be missing: from GT championships to endurance races, the main ones are illustrated here sporting and technological revolutions from Citroen. The final two rooms are instead dedicated to the more recent past and present of Citroen: a journey through various models from different eras, from cars with squared lines like the BX and the XM of the 80s to cars characterized by rounded shapes of the 90s and 2000s, passing through the first experiments with electric cars. A final reminder, that of Citroen’s most recent social initiatives: in this sense little Ami has stood out for having brought important messages about the fight against bullying to the media and schools. A journey through time without borders therefore, through which Citroen wanted celebrate its first 100 years of history in Italy. So, happy Citroen centenary.

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