Reopening of the Chelliana. Exhibition, talks and events for Palazzo Mensini

Reopening of the Chelliana. Exhibition, talks and events for Palazzo Mensini
Reopening of the Chelliana. Exhibition, talks and events for Palazzo Mensini

From Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th July the heart of the city will be the location for talks, exhibitions and events to celebrate the complete reopening of Palazzo Mensini, which, with an urban regeneration project worth around 4 million euros, is returned to the people of Grosseto in a completely new look.

“After 25 years spent in a temporary location – said Vivarelli Colonna – we can finally fully regain possession of a place that has marked the cultural history of our community. The Administration wanted this return, working with commitment and dedication over the years : today we are giving back to the city an entire building that hosts books, reference services, cultural events, exhibitions and important meetings for the entire territory”. “One of the most important moments in the life of this Administration. The Chelliana is not just a library; it is the heart of our cultural offer, the Center of the Grosseto network of libraries, archives and documentation centres. With its 19 participating Municipalities and 12 institutions, represents the center of documentation of the territorial identity of the province of Grosseto – said the councilor for Culture Luca Agresti – We are convinced that the new headquarters of the Chelliana will become a place of social aggregation, in which alliances with the world of culture will be born culture, training and local information”.

To celebrate this important milestone, the Municipality of Grosseto has chosen the Grosseto designer Alessandro Corina, curator of Design Funzione Arte, which in 2024 reaches its second edition: “I wanted to donate to my city this event which I presented for the first time in 2022 Humanity, imagination and courage are the values ​​that inspire each of my projects – explains the designer – Values ​​that will be at the center of every initiative during the exhibition, which aims to inspire and involve a wide range of audiences fascinating concepts that will explore the connections between “design, function, art”, offering the public a unique opportunity to investigate the combination of creativity, functionality and beauty, to discuss fundamental concepts of design and celebrate the evolution of human ingenuity towards common good. Finally, heartfelt thanks to all the partners who believed in this project”.

M. Alf.

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