Thomas Luciani murder, the note from D’Alfonso and Fina

Thomas Luciani murder, the note from D’Alfonso and Fina
Thomas Luciani murder, the note from D’Alfonso and Fina

PESCARA – Below is a note signed by the Hon. Luciano D’Alfonso and sen. Michele Fina.

“The murder of Thomas Luciani – to whose family we offer our condolences for the atrocious loss – presents with clear drama the problem of a youthful condition full of loneliness and often afflicted by a lack of values ​​and empathy.

If at 17 you end up killing a peer for a debt of 200 euros, it means that the god of money is firmly established on the value pyramid well before reaching adulthood.
If at 17 you end up taking the life of an acquaintance for a ‘matter of respect’, it means that the cancerous principles of organized crime are prevailing among adolescents.

If at 17 you get to the point of raging at a dying boy and laughing at his terrible end, it means that you have lost the horizon of humanity: you no longer recognize the other but see him only as a possible enemy to be eliminated for then brag about it.

Teenagers of the 2000s live isolated. They think they can communicate with the world through the web but they end up becoming many small islands, and sometimes they imagine that violence is a cure for loneliness.

Families should not be left alone. Youth policies must be strengthened, involving firstly the school – the place of training par excellence – but also psychologists, who can help families and their children: an alliance is needed between the institutional components of society that helps them to discern the Good from Evil.

Otherwise, we will face an increasingly arid and violent world. The signals that are arriving are increasingly clear: there is no more time.”

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