Industrial Union of Turin, here is president Gay’s team – Turin News

Industrial Union of Turin, here is president Gay’s team – Turin News
Industrial Union of Turin, here is president Gay’s team – Turin News

On the proposal of the designated president Marco Gay, this afternoon the General Council of the Turin Industrial Union approved the new composition of the association’s Presidential Council. The team of vice presidents designated for the four-year period 2024-2028, which together with the president will be voted on during the general assembly scheduled for 15 July, is made up of Gabriella Marchioni Mouth (with European delegation), Antonio Casu (Smart Mobility), Alberto Dal Poz (Industrial Relations and Supply Chains), Giorgia Garola (Internationalization and Attraction of Investments), Marco Lavazza (Environmental, Social, Governance), Manuele Musso (Organization and Associative Development), Tatiana Rizzante (Digital Technologies and Ai), Marco Zoff (Aerospace), to which are added the president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group, Barbara Graffinoand the president of the Small Industry of the Turin Industrial Union, Philip Sertoriuswho enter by right by virtue of these roles.

“The group of vice presidents is made up of highly competent and concrete entrepreneurs and managers. Colleagues with decades of experience in their respective sectors, developed by operating all over the world, and united by an aptitude for leadership, a vocation for innovation and an authority that determines its real impact” underlines Gay.

The new presidential council has an average age of 51 years. Four of them are having their first experience on the presidential council: Gabriella Bocca, Antonio Casu, Tatiana Rizzante and Marco Zoff. Four councilors have been confirmed: Alberto Dal Poz, Giorgia Garola, Marco Lavazza and Manuele Musso. Added to them are the two “by right” councilors who will remain in office until the end of their four-year mandate: Filippo Sertorio who has been representative of Small Industry since 2021, and Barbara Graffino as president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group since 2023.

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