GAL and territorial strategies: Imprudent, 22 million to encourage our typical products

GAL and territorial strategies: Imprudent, 22 million to encourage our typical products
GAL and territorial strategies: Imprudent, 22 million to encourage our typical products

(REGFLASH) L’Aquila, 25 June. The day organized by the Local Development Service of the Agriculture Department of the Abruzzo Region was held today in the GSSI auditorium, which saw the presence of the presidents of the 8 Abruzzo LAGs, to present the leading strategies of the Region and the LAGs in the cycle of programming 2023-2027.

22 million euros made available by the Region for the implementation of the 8 Local Development Strategies which will be implemented by the 8 Local Action Groups.

The meeting was opened by the vice president of the Abruzzo Region with responsibility for Agriculture Emanuele Imprudente.
“We present the strategies selected by the Region for the eight LAGs present in our territory. Approximately 22 million euros will be available which will support and encourage the typical features of the territory, the small companies that exist in our rural areas. These strategies are linked to the vision of the Abruzzo Region, aimed at bringing together the LAG strategy with that of the internal areas”.

Elena Sico, director of the CSR Management Authority and Agriculture Department, highlighted: “The leading strategies have the objective of carrying out interventions on the territory for the revitalization of rural areas, which also include internal areas. The leading methodology is important precisely because it is based on the bottom-up approach, i.e. the implementation of strategies occurs through constant and constructive discussion and dialogue with the territories and their inhabitants”.

Thus Francesco Di Filippo, manager of the Local Development and Fish Economy Service. “We wanted this day to present the strategies of the 8 Abruzzo LAGs just selected for the new programming. It will be important, in continuity with the work activated by the service and in collaboration with the department, to ensure that the LAGs implement increasingly integrated policies for maximum involvement and development of the territories”.

Anna Rita Carboni, head of the Leader and Local Development Office, then went into detail about the data and characteristics of the Leader strategies, between past and new programming: “Continuity emerges in the strategies, but also in the partners, consolidated to date. This continuity can be seen also in the approach with which strategies are implemented on individual territories: in fact, all 8 LAGs have chosen tourism and supply chains as sectors in which to concentrate their actions, the same thematic areas addressed in the 2014-2020 programming”.

In the second panel of the works, the presidents of the 8 Abruzzo LAGs presented the peculiarities of their territories and the strategic axes of the 2023/2027 programming to the audience of experts:

Roberto di Vincenzo, president of Gal Costa dei Trabocchi: “Our work today is concentrated on two fronts: increasing the quality of the tourist product and paying attention to preventing it from depreciating. Together with the Chamber of Commerce we are working on a regulation for the management of the Costa dei Trabocchi brand, with the dual objective of contributing to the diffusion of the brand as a territorial identity and, at the same time, combating abuse. This is one of our strategic actions, together with the objective of broadening the horizon with respect to the real coast and We are also working on the promotion of the Gustav Line, to talk about peace on a historic war road: a project that could give a further cultural boost to our tourist offer”.

Tiziano Teti, president of Gal Maiella Verde: “In recent years we have always carried out careful discussions with local actors to act based on the characteristics and specificities of the territory. The starting point was to network the entire system: for this, in past programming, we implemented the so-called Project Communities, in which the operators themselves identified the development strategies for their products. A work that has borne fruit, which is why a similar activity was also carried out in collaboration with individual municipalities”.

Carlo Matone, president of Gal Gran Sasso Laga: “Ours is a delicate moment in terms of planning, but we are aware that to build the future we need to bring together the energies of the territory. We are thinking about the need to integrate these with the activities of our areas, in particular agricultural ones, through sustainable tourism initiatives. We must first of all convince those who live in our areas that this territory can do and give a lot, beyond the obstacles also linked to landscape constraints”.

Pasquale Cantoro, president of Gal Terreverdi Teramane: “In the old programming we carried out several complex projects regarding production chains and tourism, involving companies. We also financed four start-ups. Our objective is to create a Quality District, the establishment of which will it will be soon. A job that derives from the analysis and coordination of needs, phases carried out at the time of planning”.

Gianluca Buccella, president of Gal Terre Pescaresi: We bring together 48 municipalities and geographically our territory is divided into the Pescara hills, the Vestina area and the Maiella area. From the past programming we bring the results achieved on the sustainable development front and the set of initiatives implemented in the agri-food and cultural-tourism sectors. Sectors that will guide our future action.”

Rino Talucci, president of Gal Abruzzo Italico Alto Sangro: “Our territory includes Alto Sangro and Valle Peligna. We include two parks and numerous tourist operators. There are therefore many actors who work for the protection and development of the territory. For this reason, our mission has always been to integrate tourism, agriculture and the environment.”

Lucilla Lilli, president of Gal Marsica: “Our territory is varied, from the Piana del Fucino to many small villages, rural and ‘difficult’ areas. A territory that is difficult to describe, which sees the Gal concentrated on giving an identity to this land, bringing together small and large municipalities in the image and symbolic place of Incile which, historically, represents the point from which the drying up of Lake Fucino started. We want to build an identity through tourism: for this reason we have favored the establishment of cooperatives community”

Paolo Federico president of Gal Gran Sasso Velino: “In recent years we have promoted many projects, such as the Cammino del Gran Sasso which, in a short time, has given unexpected results. A territory in which we are trying to promote a development that sees valorisation, protection and ever new initiatives that increasingly characterize our areas, trying to respond to everyone’s needs. This is why we bring to the new programming a wealth of experience and the aim of intercepting not only the resources allocated to regional programming, but also further incentives and incentives. financing”. (REGFLASH) COMASS 240625

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