Differentiated autonomy, Meloni against opposition: “It is not our invention”

“This is us, patriots, patriots who know which way the tricolor flag is when they wave it and who work so that all citizens of this nation have the same rights and the same opportunities.” So the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni taking stock of autonomy in a video on social media. We are “proving that it could have been done even earlier, perhaps the opposition also knows this, perhaps that’s why they are so nervous and irresponsibly use civil war tones because they have no arguments on the merits”, he underlines.

In the video the Prime Minister, with a large tricolor behind her, attacks: “The government’s work to reform this nation continues apace despite fierce opposition of those who, despite saying every day that many things are not going well in Italy, propose that the only program is to leave everything as it is. But we have made commitments to the Italians who asked us for a change and we intend to respect those commitments. It is no coincidence that in less than twenty months we have already launched several important reforms”.

“The tax reform which has been awaited for fifty years – he recalls – The justice reform which has been talked about for around 30 years. We have carried out the reform of the procurement code and above all the reform of the premiership which completed its first reading at Senate and that if the Italians want it, it will finally allow citizens to directly choose the head of government, putting an end to seventy years of instability, seaside governments, technical governments, rainbow governments, betrayed promises and transformism”. “The left is very furious against all these reforms. They obviously accuse us of every possible atrocity regarding the tax reform, they said that we were friends of the tax evaders and we brought home the record of recovery of proceeds from the fight against tax evasion which were denied”, continues Meloni .

“There what is more ridiculous is the left’s disjointed opposition to differentiated autonomy”, states the prime minister, adding: “To understand how sincere they are when they make this continuous accusation of wanting to split Italy or when in protest they wave the tricolor flags backwards in the chamber, it is worth recalling some background facts”. “First of all, the idea of ​​attributing greater autonomy to the regions is not an invention of the centre-right, it is not an invention of the undersigned – he underlines – It is instead a principle included in our Constitution with the reform of the fifth title, a reform launched in 2001 approved between the other with a majority under the government of Giuliano Amato, a government of the left and then confirmed by the Italians with the referendum”.

“They inserted it into the Constitution and never regulated it. Nonetheless, they signed agreements between various regions and the State when they were both at the head of the regions and at the head of the government and today they are waving the tricolors and shouting scandal because we try to transform this principle, which is a correct principle, into a serious rule, which is capable of guaranteeing that disparities do not arise between territories”, he concludes.

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