Castelfranco Veneto comes alive with the Antifascist Summer | Today Treviso | News

CASTELFRANCO VENETO – L’ANPI of Castelfranco Veneto renews its commitment this year too with the fourth edition of Resistant Cultural Review. “We feel the duty to keep high attention on historical and current issues, especially in this historical moment in which the pillars of our Democracy are being called into question with explicit and sometimes violent censorial and repressive acts”, he declares Simone Marconato, president of ANPI. Summer 2024 opens with “Antifascist Summer 2024“, a series of meetings scheduled for the month of July, which will address relevant issues of contemporary Italian history and politics.

Wednesday 3 July: The first meeting will discuss whether Giorgio Almirante, historic MSI leader, can be considered among the noble fathers of the country. Antonella Lorenzoni of the provincial ANPI and Davide Conti, historian and consultant of the prosecutor’s offices of Bologna and Brescia, will speak.

Tuesday 9 July: We will reflect on the legacy of Berlusconism, one year after the death of Silvio Berlusconi. The debate will be led by Gilda Zazzara, professor of contemporary history at the University of Venice, and Lorenzo Zamponi, professor of sociology at the Scuola Normale of Florence.

Wednesday 17 July: The risks of a possible “democracy” in Italy will be explored, with the participation of Elia Cavarzan, journalist from Nord Est Multimedia, and Nicola Chiarini of the Veneto Journalists’ Union. We will discuss the Scurati case, the limitations on the freedom of intellectuals and the repression of protests.

Wednesday 24 July: The last meeting will be dedicated to current conflicts and the possibility of a future of peace rather than war. Speakers will be Laura Puppato, former senator and human rights activist, and Raffaele Crocco, RAI journalist and founder of Peacereporter. All meetings will take place at 9.00 pm at the Due Mulini Centerin Via Marsala, and will be open to the public.

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