Weather alert in Emilia-Romagna: rivers under monitoring

Last updated on 25 June 2024 by Armando Proietti

Critical situation in Emily with incessant rain and monitored rivers, a delicate situation in many areas of theReggio Emilia, Modena and Parma Apennines And Piacenza.

Constant monitoring in the province of Reggio Emilia

The province of Reggio Emilia is under strict control due to bad weather. The Torrent Tresinaro and the rivers Bucket and Enza they are constantly monitored while the police and civil protection are on the front line to guarantee the safety of the population. In particular, in the municipality of Carpineti several roads were closed due to landslides, while a Coriano di Castelnovo ne’ Monti flooding was recorded with 30 homes involved. Rescue operations are underway and people have been made safe on the upper floor. TO Ottosaliciten people are currently isolated due to a landslide, while in Toano several homes are inaccessible. Even the municipalities of Canossa, Vezzano sul Crostolo And Baiso report problems due to landslides on the roads.

Emergency also in the province of Piacenza And Modena

The weather situation does not spare the province either Piacenzawhere the overflow of a canal occurred Carpaneto. In the ModeneseHowever, several bridges over the river were closed Bucketincluding the High Bridge to Modena and the Bird Bridge Between Modena And Solierathe critical threshold has been exceeded. The closure of the Navicello Bridge on the Panarowhile the valley floor of Panaro it was closed following a landslide. The situation remains critical and the authorities are working to best manage the emergency.

The incessant rain and overflowing rivers are putting the entire region on alert.Emilia Romagnawith particular attention to the provinces of Reggio Emilia, Piacenza And Modena. Rescue operations are underway and the population is invited to pay maximum attention and limit travel. Collaboration between law enforcement, civil protection and the competent bodies is essential to deal with the emergency and guarantee the safety of all citizens affected by bad weather.


  • The text of the article mentions various places and events linked to the emergency situation caused by bad weather in Emilia-Romagna. Here is a detailed analysis of the famous people, politicians, historical events or significant events mentioned:

1. Emily: Emilia is an Italian region located in the central-northern part of the country. It is crossed by numerous rivers, such as the Po, the Secchia and the Enza. It is known for its cultural traditions, rural landscapes and important art cities such as Bologna, Modena and Parma.

2. Reggio Emilia, Modena, Parma and Piacenza Apennines: Reference is made to the part of the Apennines that crosses the provinces of Reggio Emilia, Modena, Parma and Piacenza. These mountain areas are characterized by wild nature and enchanting landscapes.

3. Reggio Emilia: It is a province of Emilia-Romagna. The city of Reggio Emilia is the capital and is located along the Po river valley. It is known for its historical-cultural heritage and for having been an important political center during the Italian Risorgimento.

4. Secchia and Enza: They are two rivers that flow through the province of Reggio Emilia. During periods of intense rainfall, they can overflow causing flooding and dangerous situations for the population.

5. Province of Piacenza: It is a province of Emilia-Romagna located on the border with Lombardy. The capital, Piacenza, is a city rich in history and monuments of great artistic value.

6. Province of Modena: It is another province of Emilia-Romagna, famous for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano and balsamic vinegar. The capital, Modena, is a city renowned for its Cathedral and the Ghirlandina Tower, a UNESCO heritage site.

7. Civil protection: It is the organization that is responsible for preventing risks related to calamitous events and coordinating rescue operations during emergencies. In crisis situations caused by natural phenomena such as floods or landslides, civil protection plays a fundamental role in ensuring the safety of the population.

This article highlights the importance of the readiness and effectiveness of civil protection measures and law enforcement in the face of emergency situations caused by extreme weather events. Collaboration between the authorities and the population is essential to successfully address crisis situations and ensure the safety of all affected citizens.

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