Two million for projects against discrimination and gender violence, the Region’s call

Two million for projects against discrimination and gender violence, the Region’s call
Two million for projects against discrimination and gender violence, the Region’s call

Projects aimed in particular at young generations to promote a culture of equality between men and women and combat all forms of discrimination and violence based on gender identity. In school, sports and other educational contexts. With particular attention to the dangers that come from the web: online harassment, cyber stalking, revenge porn, hate speech. The Region invests two million euros to support the equal opportunitiesremove the stereotypes based on sexual orientation, promote the respect for diversity. The tender, approved by the Regional Council in the last session and valid for the two-year period 2025-2026, is aimed at local authorities, social promotion associations, voluntary organizations, non-profit organizations and will finance – in addition to training and communication initiatives – also specific actions aimed at women living conditions of fragility or who are at risk of social marginalization, discrimination And violencesuch as migrant women, asylum seekers and holders of international protection.

“Saying enough to violence is not enough. A profound cultural change is necessary and it is necessary to act together, networking – underlined the regional councilor for equal opportunities Barbara Lori -. This is why we continue our commitment alongside the many organizations and local authorities that operate in the area, going to the places where people live, study and work. Together we hope to be able to involve many citizens, in particular the younger generations, to build a more inclusive society that is attentive to the rights of everyone”. With this call, the resources allocated by the Region in this legislature to promote education, awareness and training projects on the topic of equality rise to 7 million euros. While the funded initiatives, some of which are still ongoing, are over 250 between Rimini and Piacenza.

THE QUESTIONS – The projects must have a cost between 10 thousand and 50 thousand euros and the contribution can cover up to 80% of the expenses. All interventions must be carried out between 2025 and 2026. Additional scores will be provided for projects carried out in the municipalities of the Apennines and inland areas. Applications must be submitted electronically from 10am on 10 September to 1pm on 1 October 2024. All information in the “read notice documents” section of the Equal Opportunities portal on website of the Emilia-Romagna Region.

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