«Barletta blocked by the affair between Action and the Brothers of Italy and by the ambitions of the Tupputis»

«Barletta blocked by the affair between Action and the Brothers of Italy and by the ambitions of the Tupputis»
«Barletta blocked by the affair between Action and the Brothers of Italy and by the ambitions of the Tupputis»
“What we are witnessing in these hours is a real clash of power. The mayor is the victim of his political and administrative incompetence, totally at the mercy of the political blackmail of what should be his centre-right majority and instead is just a jumble of subjects united exclusively in the electoral campaign only by the desire for seats”. So does the Democratic Party.

“It is right that the citizens know the truth. While the city is struggling, behind the mayor’s back, but with him compliant, a fight to the last seat is taking place. Cannito appears to be a political prisoner of the regional councilor of Action, the next mayoral candidate of the centre-right, Ruggiero Mennea, with Emiliano in the Puglia Region and with the centre-right in Barletta, who is insistently trying to favor a reshuffle of the council and proof of this is the request to replace councilor Anna Maria Scommegna with the secretary of Action, Vincenza Dimaggio. It goes without saying that this request is strongly supported by Fratelli d’Italia and in particular by councilor Stella Mele with whom councilor Ruggiero Mennea has a direct line, rather than a Pd-Forza Italia mess.”

“But this – the dems continue – is not the only problem Cannito has to deal with
deal with another political problem, that of councilor Rosa Tupputi. To definitively enter the majority and therefore emulate his brother Giuseppe, new husband of Forza Italia, absolute quail jumping champion and ready to bring his sister to new visibility in the
centre-right, councilor Tupputi would seem to push the mayor to ask for the resignation of the Bar.sa Board of Directors. After that, the same councilor could proceed to redesign the top management of the municipal company based on her wishes, i.e. the Presidency of Bar.SA: in spite of the false flag-waving the Mayor’s desire to keep politics out of Bar.sa”.

“Then, the atavistic battle for positioning between Forza Italia and the Brothers of Italy should not be forgotten, which began immediately after the elections of the now distant June 2022 and is still ongoing. This is the picture
desolate that the center-right is offering to the citizens: the mayor is a prisoner of himself and of a majority that instead of working to solve the city’s problems only thinks about occupying positions. Other than Barletta mon amour, the most correct form – conclude the dems – is “poltrona mon amour”.

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