
The first official announcement of the Modena market at the beginning of next week after the start of the market scheduled for July 1st could really be Mattia Caldara, who seems to have reached an agreement with the yellow-blue club by agreeing to go down to Serie B to relaunch his career. Born in ’94, Caldara is returning from a season at Milan in which, due to an ankle injury, he only made one appearance. For the defense the yellow and blue are also interested in another experienced player, Simone Romagnoli of Frosinone, while Cauz could leave towards Pisa.

Remaining on the defence and in particular on the wingers, according to Gianluca Di Marzio the yellow and blue sporting director Catellani is negotiating, in addition to the young Idrissi from Cagliari, also Cassandro of Como. On the starting line, as we already remembered yesterday, Shady Oukhadda.

And as far as the attack is concerned, the hypothesis of a arrival in the yellow and blue doesn’t seem so far-fetched Gregoire Defrel (in the photo wearing a Sassuolo shirt). The former Sassuolo player, in fact, would be much sought after by Bisoli who launched him about ten years ago at Cesena, and he himself would like a solution that would allow him to stay in the area and find his old coach again. The obstacle is always the salary being too high, but finding an agreement seems like a less prohibitive undertaking than a few days ago. If they are roses they will bloom.

Finally, a look at the coaches chapter. According to Sky Sport, the negotiations that would bring the former yellow and blue coach are well underway Paul White to Catanzaro, replacing Vivarini who should move to Frosinone.


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