IA, Calabrò (Assolombarda): EU should have a leading role

IA, Calabrò (Assolombarda): EU should have a leading role
IA, Calabrò (Assolombarda): EU should have a leading role

Mantua, 28 June. (askanews) – “According to a very recent survey carried out by Aspen, 58% of the companies interviewed believe that artificial intelligence tools will improve productivity, research time and relationship time with the market. In short, for 58%, all things considered, things will go well. 42% are fearful. What does it mean? That there is a very strong awareness in the economic world of the need to ride the phenomenon, understand it, govern it, manage it. There is no shortage of problems and the companies themselves know it: there is a question of privacy, there is a question of control, there is also a question of doors being open to the possibility of interference by cybercriminals”. This was said by Antonio Calabrò, vice-president of Assolombarda and Antonio Calabrò, vice-president of Assolombarda and president of the Symbola Foundation Forum, interviewed by askanews in Mantua on the sidelines of the second day of the Symbola Foundation Summer Seminar.

“However, this does not take away the fact that very important choices must be made by companies to invest but above all by the European Union to have a leading role in the geopolitical scenario – underlines Calabrò -. Americans have been moving towards artificial intelligence for some time, both large corporations and medium-large and medium-sized companies. The Chinese invest a lot, Europe has made a good choice of regulation so far but it is naturally not enough: we need to grow and that 80-100 billion a year is necessary for Europe to have its role, as Europe, on the industrial market and AI, which also means on the defense market, is a necessary expense, which will have to be made, whoever governs Europe in the coming years”, concludes the president of the Symb Foundation Forum https://askanews.it/wp- content/uploads/2024/06/IA-Calabro-Assolombarda-Ue-abbia-un-ruolo-di-primo-piano.jpg 628_video_17285051|vd01 vd02|https://askanews.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/ 06/IA-Calabro-Assolombarda-Ue-has-un-rolo-di-primo-piano.jpg|28/06/2024 19:15:43|IA, Calabrò (Assolombarda): The EU must have a leading role| Video|News, Videonews]

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