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Napoli greets Zielinski on social media: so many comments from the fans

Napoli greets Zielinski on social media: so many comments from the fans
Napoli greets Zielinski on social media: so many comments from the fans

Napoli officially bids farewell to Piotr Zielinski. The Polish midfielder, betrothed toInter by Simone Inzaghi, ends his experience today in the shadow of “Maradona”. Together with the former Empoli player, the Neapolitan experience of four other footballers appears in the closing credits.

Goodbye Zielinski, Napoli’s tweet

Zielinskireturning from a less than happy European Championship with the colors of Poland, will no longer wear the shirt of Napoli. Through a note on their X profile, Aurelio’s club Of Lawrence said goodbye to the former Empoli midfielder, on the day that marks the expiry of his contracts and the end of the 2023/24 sports season: “8 seasons together 2 unforgettable trophies The scudetto after 33 years Forever in the history of our club. Goodbye Piotr”. The Azzurri fans are divided on social media, between those who already miss the Polish talent and those who are ready to turn the page, under the management of Antonio Conte. Maximum trust in the Salento manager, but also the feeling that a player like Zielinski could have been a good fit for Conte’s 3-5-2. The midfielder’s future, however, is black and blue. Simone Inzaghi’s Inter awaits him.

Napoli also bid farewell to Demme, Gollini, Idasiak and Traoré

Between expired contracts and the end of their respective loans, several players are leaving the city of Naples today. From Dendoncker, who never arrived from January to the end of the championship, to Pierluigi Gollini, Meret’s assistant, up to the youngsters Idasiak and Traoré: “A Diego Demme, Leander DendonckerPierluigi GolliniHubert IdasiHamed Traorè and Piotr Zielinski – it is read in the official note of Naples – our most sincere thanks for the commitment and professionalism demonstrated during their time spent in Naples and our best wishes for their personal and professional future”.

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