here are the faces of the 100 and 100 e lode of the Granda province –

As per tradition, the review of the names and faces of the students who completed the 2024 state exam with a final grade of 100/100 or 100 cum laude returns to TargatoCn and La Voce di Alba.

Send us your photo, name and school attended to the email [email protected].

Here are your faces and congratulations indeed!


Marianna Bortesi – Rating 100/100 Peano-Pellico Scientific High School of Cuneo with applied sciences major


Simone Milani – Rating 100/100. GB Bodoni Scientific High School of Saluzzo, 5D applied sciences


Alessia Gallo – Rating 100/100 “Grandis” Institute Cuneo, Socio-Health address


Edward Dragon – Rating 100/100 IIS Vallauri Fossano Administration Finance Marketing “E. Tesauro”


Giulia Brondino – Rating 100/100 IIS Giolitti Bellisario Paire, Barge



Martin Garro – Rating 100/100 IIS GRANDIS, technical economic address tourism sector, class 5 C


Luca Barral – Score 100/100. IISS F. Garelli of Mondovì with a focus on socio-health, art. dental technology.


Virginia Vincenti – Score 100/100. Institute “Denina”, Saluzzo.


Marina Lettieri – Score 100/100. Liceo Scienze Umane “L. Da Vinci”, Alba.


David Bergese – Score 100/100. Class 5th D Applied Science High School “Arimondi Eula”, Savigliano.


Julia Baracco – Score 100/100. Scientific High School “L. Cocito”, Alba.


Martina Masters – Score 100/100. Scientific High School “G. Ancina” of Fossano, class 5ªB.


Anna Married – Score 100/100. Hotel Institute “Virginio Donadio” of Dronero, Tourist Reception address.


Mattia ViottoClavesana – Grade 100/100. 5th F class (Linguistics) at the “Vasco Beccaria Govone” high school in Mondovì.


Anna Tosello – Score 100/100. “Bonelli” Institute of Cuneo.


Beatrice Giraudo – Score 100/100. Class 5C Rim. “Bonelli” Institute of Cuneo.


Giulia Marchisio – Score 100/100. “Denina” Institute (5th B AFM address).


Simone Castellengo – Score 100/100. “Umberto I” Institute, Alba branch.


Matteo Tivan – Grade 100 cum laude at the “Pellico-Peano” Scientific High School in Cuneo, 5th B class.


Luca Bonetto – Grade 100 cum laude at the IIS Denina in Saluzzo, SIA “Business Information Systems” major.


Eleonora Vignolo – Grade 100 cum laude, IIS Denina Pellico Rivoira, Saluzzo, Class 5th A SIA.


Luca Astegiano – Grade 100 cum laude at the “Pellico” professional institute in Saluzzo, major in “Industry and Craftsmanship for Made in Italy”


Laurentiu Velcea – Grade 100 cum laude. Scientific High School “G. Ancina”, Fossano.


Francis Bersano – Score 100/100. Scientific High School “Ancina” of Fossano.


Agnes Davico – Grade 100/100. “E. De Amicis” High School of Cuneo, Human Sciences major.


Lorenzo Garra – Score 100/100. Baruffi High School of Mondovì, 5th CAT.


Riccardo Guglielminotti – Score 100/100. “Da Vinci” Music High School of Alba.


Jade Arnaudo – Score 100/100. ITC “Bonelli” of Cuneo.


Matilda Bruno – Score 100/100. “Edmondo De Amicis” High School of Cuneo.


Giulia Ricciputi – Grade 100/100. 5th grade. “Edmondo De Amicis” High School in Cuneo.


Iris of Salvio – Score 100/100. Class 5th D. “Soleri Bertoni” High School of Saluzzo.


Davide Pasero – Score 100/100. Class 5B. Scientific High School “GB Bodoni” of Saluzzo.


James Barrel – Score 100/100. Scientific High School “GB Bodoni” of Saluzzo.


Federico Dutto– Score 100/100. Itis “Mario Delpozzo” of Cuneo, class 5A INF.


Marco Mattalia – Score 100/100. Class 5A Mec – State Industrial Technical Institute “Mario Delpozzo” of Cuneo.


Sara Yasmine Ajmiof Villanova Mondovi. Grade 100 cum laude at the Cigna High School of Mondovi (scientific applied sciences). He will soon enroll in Medicine at the University of Turin.


Emil Beltrando e Florentina Grigoras – Score 100/100. “Edmondo De Amicis” High School, Cuneo.


Lucia Allasia – Grade 100 cum laude. Class 5th D, Human Sciences course, “Soleri Bertoni” Institute, Saluzzo.


Linda Giraudo – Grade 100 cum laude. Scientific High School “Peano-Pellico” of Cuneo, class 5th B.


Ida Palmieri – Score 100/100. Evening course at the “Virginio Donadio” hotel management institute.


Anita Tavella – Grade 100 cum laude. “Ernesto Guala” Institute of Bra, Geometers major, 5th E class.


Thomas Barale – Score 100/100. White Art Section at the “Virginio Donadio” Institute in Dronero.


Blessed Busso – Grade 100 cum laude. High School of Human Sciences at the “Leonardo da Vinci” High School in Alba.

Martha Fenoglio – Score 100/100. “Baruffi” Institute of Mondovì.


Andrea Stained – Grade 100 cum laude. Scientific High School “G. Peano” of Cuneo, Ordinamental address, class 5ªC.


Gabriele Barge – Grade 100 cum laude. Scientific High School “GB Bodoni” of Saluzzo, Applied Sciences Section.


Lorenza Belliardo – Score 100/100. Classical High School “Pellico-Peano” of Cuneo, Class 5 Beta.


Michela Torrero – Grade 100 cum laude. “Leonardo Da Vinci” High School of Human Sciences, Alba.


Matthew Best – Score 100/100. Class 5th B Rob – State Industrial Technical Institute “Mario Delpozzo” of Cuneo.


Alessia Mazzoni – Score 100/100. “Bodoni” High School of Saluzzo, class VS Sports major.


Michael Pirra – Score 100/100. “Peano-Pellico” High School of Cuneo, 5th C class.


Andrea Forty – Score 100/100. “Bodoni” Scientific High School, Saluzzo.


Luca Massasso – Score 100/100. “Luigi Einaudi” Institute of Alba, major in Administration, Marketing and Finance.


Mattia Poggio – Grade 100 cum laude. “Bodoni” Scientific High School of Saluzzo.


Thomas Giusiano – Score 100/100. Itis “Mario Delpozzo” of Cuneo, Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

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Matilde Pellegrino – Score 100/100. “Virginio Donadio” Institute of Dronero.


Richard Scanavino – Score 100/100. Umberto I Institute – Grinzane Cavour Branch.


Melissa Monticone – Score 100/100. “Leonardo Da Vinci” High School, Alba.


Marta Ribero – Score 100/100. “Grandis” Institute of Cuneo.


Carlamaria Tomatis – Grade 100 cum laude. “Arimondi-Eula” High School of Savigliano.


Mattia Gaveglio – Score 100/100. GB Bodoni Scientific High School of Saluzzo, 5D applied sciences.


Lorenzo Frongia – Score 100/100 – Agricultural Institute “Virginio-Donadio” of Cuneo. Section 5ª C.


Arianna Rogero – Score 100/100. Art High School “Ego Bianchi” of Cuneo.


Sean Giolitti Rocco – Grade 100/100. Peano-Pellico High School, scientific specialization, applied sciences.


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