we leave in the name of détente. Soffritti president, Chiappini vice

we leave in the name of détente. Soffritti president, Chiappini vice
we leave in the name of détente. Soffritti president, Chiappini vice

Ferrara, 28 June 2024 – “It’s the fourth time which I swear, but it’s always an emotion”. He wears the tricolour sash and pronounces the ritual formula. The sindigo Alan Fabbri chooses twilight to promise the city that he will respect the Constitution. The Darsena is full of people. The solemnity is that of great occasions. The first City Council it isthe symbolic place of many political clashes, it turns into relaxation arena. At least this evening, when the Chamber has finally entered into full exercise of its functions. Between the majority and the opposition there are cordial exchanges, hinted smiles and handshakes.

The first meeting is all formality. But even from the completion of the first tasks, one can understand the spirit that animates the majority and the opposition. The first item on the agenda, after the verification of the eligibility of the councilors, is the appointment of the president of the City CouncilThe proposal comes from the group leader of Alan Fabbri’s civic group, Francesco Rendine. Dressed in white, the veteran – this is his fourth council experience – states that “previously I have always been in the minority, now I am in the majority and I preside over the largest group. The air has changed… for the better.”

The proposal for the presidency of the Council is Federico Fried, exponent of the Brothers of Italy. The councilor receives the assist – after the president pro tempore, Valentina Loredana Ionita he grants him the floor – and delivers a speech which, hopefully, aims to give reassurances of impartiality and guarantee to the minority.

“I will be super partes – he says – and I am committed to carrying out this role with the utmost seriousness. I am happy that this session is being held in a place that is a symbol of the city’s rebirth”. He didn’t know it yet, but it was voted unanimously (the only one absent due to illness last night was the former councilor, now a Northern League councilor, Dorota Kusiak). When Leonardo Fiorentini (Civica Anselmo) takes the floor, two things are immediately perceived: his long experience in the chamber and his desire to collaborate. However, there is also a very clear reminder of the duties of the president. “We will vote for Soffritti – he emphasizes – because we want to be collaborative. But the president must be the referee and must guarantee maximum political freedom to the city councilors. The opposition must be able to express itself effectively.” Warning received. The ball is in the court of Anna Zonari, group leader by right of La Comune. In addition to declaring his vote in favor, he indicates a methodological line.

“The president – ​​she says – plays a fundamental role and, among his powers, there is that of promoting dialogue and collaboration between the councilors”. Which does not mean, warns the councilor, “cancelling the differences”, but “even in the opposition, never go beyond. Do not disrespect and, if the possibility arises, collaborate for the common good”.

He receives applause from the room. The vote is clear: unanimity (there is only one blank card). Soffritti is president. The deputy is up to the Democratic Party. The group leader Massimo Buriani presents the candidacy of Anna Chiappini, underlining not only personal commitment to politics, but also that of the family of origin. No surprise: everyone votes for it. When she takes the floor for a brief greeting, the dem reminds the chamber of the “great responsibility of representing the whole city”. She says she is ready to “build bridges and encourage dialogue”.

Knowing his background, including his cultural background, one might say that these words were inspired by the message of Pope Francis.

Anyone expecting dramatic turns or clashes was disappointed. The only real conflicts that occurred this evening in Darsena were with mosquitoes and the scorching heat, alternating – fortunately – with a few gusts of wind. Even the former mayoral candidate of the center-left, Fabio Anselmo, it’s very quiet. He exchanges a few words with the other members of the minority and, although entitled to do so as group leader, he doesn’t even intervene. Some signs of impatience arrive from the Democrats when Rendine, in his opening speech, ventures some considerations on the “beautiful girl who presides pro tempore in the chamber”. But nothing special.

At the moment of the reading of the attributions of the appointments of the councillors, choruses of appreciation rise from the audience. Not only the newbies, but also the councilors ‘confirmed’ by the previous council, are visibly excited. And all in all it is an emotion that also translates into the dialogues on the sidelines of the assembly between the majority and the opposition. Someone commented: “Compared to 2019, it’s a different world.” In fact, after the electoral campaign to which the people of Ferrara were subjected, seeing a city council like this evening’s – although devoid of verve – was like a balm on the wound. Now, let’s try not to reopen it.

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