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Bonaccini is preparing to leave Emilia-Romagna, after 10 years at the helm of the Region

The governor, in consideration of his election to the European Parliament, announced in the Regional Council that in two weeks he will resign, immediately after the G7 for Science and Technology which will take place in Bologna from 9 to 11 July “I am It’s been ten complicated years, during which we overcame an earthquake, a pandemic and a flood. Yet, we are stronger than before,” Bonaccini said. DATA

27 JUN – “Dear Emilia-Romagna, serving you was a privilege, it was an honor. I am there for you and will always be there.” Thus the president of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Stefano Bonaccini, he concluded his speech yesterday in the Legislative Assembly, in the headquarters in viale Aldo Moro, where he announced that he will resign as president of the Region in two weeks, after the G7 Science and Technology scheduled for 9 to 11 July at the Tecnopolo of Bologna . A necessary step before the establishment of the European Parliament, and the opportunity to take stock at the end of ten years of mandate at the helm of the institution.

Years defined as very intense, complicated, “if we think that we have gone through the tragedy of the earthquake and reconstruction, the pandemic, which the world has not known for a century, and last year’s flood. But it has been ten years – claimed the president – that today they have seen this region stronger than before”.

From demography to work, from the export boom to investments in research and development up to patents: the results obtained, all with a plus sign, are the result of “a stubbornly pursued strategy”, such that “in the space of a decade and for for the first time in history we have become the most dynamic system, attractive for investments with high added value, which sees research and innovation as its driving force”.

But the priority remains investing in people: “We have always done it and we are accelerating in a constant and progressive way. And we need to start with the children, with the families. In a country where you don’t have children you need to support those who choose to do so and then guarantee maximum rights and opportunities.”

Bonaccini then recalled the agreements signed with some of the most advanced Regions and Countries in the world, which have progressively placed Emilia-Romagna “in a network of relationships, opportunities, stimuli that must push us to grow and open up increasingly. Our network of technopoles – reiterated the president – has become an attractor and a multiplier of these opportunities”.

Then, the commitment to rebuild Romagna safelyfor the ecological transition, to stop land consumption, to strengthen local public transport, push on renewable sources.

The president then moved on to relations with the Government: “More than 13 months have passed since the flood and the tax credit is still not active. Movable assets are only now included in a meager decree, which does not add a single euro and which says that those who have lost everything can only receive 6 thousand euros at most. They had promised 100%, we are close to charity”.

Another very delicate topic is health. Every year all the indicators, most recently the Ministry of Health of the Meloni and Agenas Government, classify that of Emilia-Romagna as the most solid and efficient regional health system, the first in terms of quality and quantity for the level of services provided: “But neither I, nor the citizens of Emilia-Romagna – highlighted Bonaccini – know what to do with a 10 on the report card if there is a lack of doctors, nurses and services. I repeat that we need more healthcare, and more public healthcare.”

Finally, the result he is most proud of: the Bologna Technopole, the result of “an excellent collaboration on extraordinary investments, for which I thank the European Commission and all the successive Italian governments. And I thank President Meloni and Minister Bernini for having identified this city as the headquarters of the G7 for Science and Technology”.

The president concluded by thanking all the women and men cwho have worked alongside him in the two councils over the past ten years. “And then thanks are due to the majority, who supported me with great loyalty in these two mandates, and to the thousands of managers and employees of the Region, who guarantee a level of quality of work that has few equals in Italy and Europe”.
“For my part – added Bonaccini – I have tried to serve this region as best as possible. I must thank this Assembly because the quality of the debate was civil and respectful, even expressing opposing ideas but always in the interest of the community represented here”.

In the two weeks preceding the resignation, Bonaccini concluded, “we will close all the acts and measures so that there are no gaps and slowdowns in the months preceding the elections”.

June 27, 2024
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