‘The city is all mine’, Ancona launches summer events claim – News

‘The city is all mine’, Ancona launches summer events claim – News
‘The city is all mine’, Ancona launches summer events claim – News

Three months of events that reclaim the most evocative places in the city, enhancing them with events and shows ranging from music to sport, from theater to dance, from food to entertainment, organized into a single program that satisfies the tastes of an audience transversal. Thus was born the claim of the Municipality of Ancona ‘All mine the city’ with a dedicated QR code and a site to access to orient yourself among the myriad of events organized by the Administration in collaboration with local, regional and national associations and institutions.
The initiative was illustrated today by the councilors for Tourism Daniele Berardinelli, for Sport Giovanni Zinni, for Culture Anna Maria Bertini, for Major Events Angelo Eliantonio and for Youth Policies Marco Battino, who have combined their efforts and mutual skills to enliven the city also for those who come from outside “so that it is no longer just a place of passage, but a real tourist destination”.
The first data on the turnout and appreciation of this approach, they have revealed, registers an excellent result: from the sold out opening with Popsophia of the Roman Amphitheater (closed to events for 13 years), to the crowded concert of Tropea promoted together with the University in Piazza del Plebiscito, up to the poetry festival La punta della Lingua just inaugurated.
There have also already been many reservations for Lonely Planet’s UlisseFest (4-7 July), divided between the Mole, the Teatro delle Muse, Piazza del Plebiscito, the Loggia dei Mercanti and the Arena sul Mare at the Porto Antico, returned to the city on this occasion to host, among others, a concert by Malika Ayane, the Super Taranta and a DJ set by Skin.
Once the festival is over, on July 13th it will welcome Chiara Francini’s show ‘Forte e Chiara’, and on the 21st the concert of music from the 70s-80s-90s by the Sulvic cultural association. Also on the bill are the Passetto lakes, with the two dance floors restored after years for lovers of the rhythms of yesterday and today, together with the ice rink which will be transformed into a basketball court for the national ‘three against three’ tournament (July 9-13).
Also returning are the Varano Dialect Festival (1-4 August) and visits with Fai to the Church of Santa Maria in Portonovo with a concert by the Friends of Music. And again the Monteconero Adriatic Economic Forum at the Mole where ministers Raffaele Fitto and Antonio Tajani are expected, shows at the Posatora Park, walks in the Citadel and guided visits to churches in collaboration with the Archdiocese.
There will also be space for football at the Conero Stadium, swimming with the highly anticipated Thirtieth Mile of the Passetto and the meetings of the Festival del Pensiero Plurale, together with those of the Festival della Storia and the dance shows curated by the city’s schools.

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