in 2023, 2 billion euros in turnover and more than 11 thousand jobs will be lost

in 2023, 2 billion euros in turnover and more than 11 thousand jobs will be lost
in 2023, 2 billion euros in turnover and more than 11 thousand jobs will be lost

In the 2023the audiovisual piracy caused a loss of turnover of approximately 2 billion euros for the Italian economywith a impact on GDP of 821 million euros and a reduction of 11,200 jobs. The audiovisual content industries have undergone a estimated economic damage of 767 million eurosa 14% increase compared to 2021.

According to an investigation Ipsos for Fapav, presented in Rome, on the occasion of the event “General States of the Fight against Piracy between Legality, Security and Artificial Intelligence” organized by the Federation at the Salone Angiolillo of Palazzo Wedekind, in the presence of representatives of the Institutions and Industry, movies are the most pirated contentwhile piracy of TV series and fiction decreased by 14% compared to 2022.

The piracy of live sports increased compared to 2021, but it decreased compared to 2022, with over 36 million estimated records. In 2023, 11.4 million lost uses were recorded, with economic damage of around 285 million euros.

There digital piracy is the main mode, accounting for 37% of the total, followed by indirect and physical piracy, which remain stable at 12% and 9% respectively. Illicit IPTVs are used by approximately 11.8 million Italians, while streaming and downloading represent 18% and 15% respectively.

39% of Italian adults committed at least one act of piracy in 2023 illicitly enjoying films, series/fiction, programs or live sports: 3 percentage points less than the previous year. In total, approximately 319 million acts of piracy are estimated compared to 345 million in 2022. Pirates are more concentrated among the under 35s, mainly employed, they have a higher level of education than the Italian population (22% of graduates), they are geographically more concentrated in the south of the country and on the islands. The incidence of piracy drops among adolescents (45% compared to 47% in 2022 and 51% in 2021) and overall acts of piracy are also decreasing (20.7 million), marking -14% compared to 2022. Among the contents, films are resisting (34%), while among younger people there is a decline in interest in piracy of contents linked to live sport and to TV series and fiction.

The 79% of pirates are aware that piracy is a crime, but 47% do not fully understand the seriousness of the phenomenon and its negative impacts on the labor market and on the Italian creative and cultural industry.

(Photo: Alex Litvin on Unsplash)

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