Bari, Vito Leccese is the new mayor: after the coat of arms to the right, the next challenge is to govern the city with a broad view

Bari, Vito Leccese is the new mayor: after the coat of arms to the right, the next challenge is to govern the city with a broad view
Bari, Vito Leccese is the new mayor: after the coat of arms to the right, the next challenge is to govern the city with a broad view

One hour after the counting began, Bari already had its mayor: Vito Leccese. After twenty – ten years of government Michele Emiliano and as many of Antonio Decaro – The centre-left continues to secure its fort in the regional capital. Sixty-two years old, for 20 years the right-hand man of the mayors who preceded him, he worked in the shadows but, assures governor Emiliano, “he has always been the best between us”. The percentage with which Leccese won is greater than that which allowed Decaro, five years ago, to do an encore: 70.27% compared to 66.20 in 2019. In percentage terms, it is worth specifying, not in absolute votes since five years ago there were many more people who voted. But it is Decaro himself who consecrates the result, in a virtual world passing of the batonaccompanied by a long hug: “Vito is the most voted mayor in the history of this city”.

The now former Chief of Staff gains the trust of the people of Bari in a result widely anticipated by the people predictionsfrom mathematical calculations, come on surveys. No surprises, in short. And the first to call to compliment him was his competitor, Fabio Romitocandidate of League for the centre-right, shortly after 4pm. Immediately afterwards, she was the national secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein to call the new mayor: “She was close and trusting even when she was scared from the division of the coalition,” said Leccese.

A split which, however, was avoided in the second round. So much so that everyone arrived to celebrate throughout the afternoon in the central street of Bari – where the Leccese headquarters was set up: Michele Laforgia and the representatives of 5 Star Movement, Italian Left And greens who had supported him in the first round. “Michele Laforgia forced me to do one tiring campaign in the first round – Leccese jokes – but in light of our political commonality and thirty-year friendship, since 15 days ago, he and his coalition have loyally supported me, allowing us all to find ourselves in the same coalition made up of ideals and values ​​that will inspire us in the government of this city.” And this can only translate into a government role. Because now the Leccese era truly begins. Which won’t be a prudent clone of Decaro, they assure. And if up to now the new mayor, superstitious as he is, has not wanted to think about planning and planning for the future, now we must start doing so. “In the next few days – he said – we will resume with the coalition rediscovered the threads of the team’s fabric”.

This means that everything needs to be made right now. We need to start again assignments and also assign roles to the parties which, although not related in the most religious and rigorous sense, openly supported Leccese in the run-off. Starting with Laforgia. For some, in the odor of the presidency of the city council. Whether this will be the case will be understood, but it seems certain that two seats they will certainly be assigned to elected representatives of his coalition, including the Movement 5 stars. No more divisions, in short. “We are only at the beginning – concludes Leccese – the hard work it will begin shortly, only after the proclamation.” All this while the inspection commission sent by the Interior Ministry to the city hall is still at work to understand whether there really were mafia infiltrations in the administrative activity of the previous Decaro council, of which Vito Leccese was boss of cabinet.

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